Me: *Watching a movie*

Main Character: "Oh no, we have to hack the CIA to figure out how this machine works! Hacker girl, do the stuff"

Hacker Girl: "Consider it done!"

Hacker Girl: *Opens Linux bash*

Hacker Girl: *types 'mkdir Hack_CIA'

Hacker Girl: "They have two-factor authentication in place, this is going to be a hard one."

Hacker Girl: *Types 'cd Hack_CIA'*

Hacker Girl: "I'm in!"

Me: "..."

Friend: "Wow, so well done, so realistic!"

Me: *Dies*

  • 87
    *rest in peace*
  • 33
    Dear lord... 🙄
  • 101
    You can tell she's a good hacker cos the writing is green on a black background...
  • 34
    Atleast they could use hackertyper...
  • 51

    That, or owns Kali Linux.

    *opens Kali Linux,

    hacker skills over 9000 immediately.
  • 15
    So when did the ping happen to prevent them from tracing them?
  • 9
    Which movie? I am pretty sure you made this up.
  • 14
    @kalippu who says it has to be a real movie xD

    even stories like this are funny as hell!
  • 9
    Or cd HAX in the cyberpunk 2077 trailer
  • 31

    Best hacking scene in film history. Best. Nothing will ever beat this. :3
  • 9
    @cursee that's exactly what hacking is :3 xD
  • 4
  • 9
    @MigliSt I know right. The only time I wish to be a hacker is when I watched that scene. 🤣
  • 15
    I think everything done on the command line is considered hacking in today's film industry
  • 5
    @cursee and how 😂😂
  • 7
    @ruhe rm -rf * "I hacked the mainframe"
  • 6
    Sudo apt install virus
    [password] : 1 2 3 4
    -Foolish boys...
  • 6
    Not hacking, but still good https://moviecode.tumblr.com/
  • 7
  • 7
    I once watched 2 episodes of <scorpion> ! It's an Amazon prime series! Woke up with a migraine the very next day #truestory
  • 4
    You know they have to make it totally fake because if they didn't, there would be lawsuits?
  • 7
    And this is the reason why many annoying kids say are hackers and can hack facebook in a 10 minutes video on youtube.
  • 5
    Fast Hack ah :D
  • 9
    In South Indian movies,

    A guy tap on the server,

    Oh It has been hacked...
  • 11
    "Let the games begin!"

    <hammers tab key several times>
  • 5
    @cursee the best part of that entire scene is realising that keyboard probably doesn’t support anti ghosting so the input would have looked a little like
  • 4
    @hugh-mungus gotta love this movie! warp.hackTime()!
  • 3
    @hugh-mungus That was beautiful.
  • 17
    hacking at it's finest!
  • 6
    @DefiniteGoose Why two Brackets??
  • 6
    Mr. Robot please teach them :")
  • 2
  • 6
  • 6
    If they have to show the entire hacking process.. it would take the entire length of a film.

    No one wants to see a film with a chick just tying something on her laptop drinking tons of coffee..

    But atleast they might have reduced the cringe by not showing what she was actually doing..
  • 0
    @hugh-mungus wtf.. I hope this is some spoof ..
  • 0
    This post and the comments has given me life this money on the train. Thank you all 😂😁😊😊
  • 2
    @heartbleed I so recognize myself in this, any time our system has been under attack I've also started counter-strike, let's you forget about it for a while
  • 1
    Guys! intried it and it works!
    However the cia folder is empty, what a waste.
  • 0
    When they got in did loads of code scroll up the screen really fast. I mean unreadably fast?
  • 0
    @858master too much peace
  • 0
    Wow mind blown 😱
  • 0
    When I was a kid I always wondered if it was real hahah. It's quite funny how they represent hackers in such series
  • 0
    @BloatWhere, Nah man, Black Arch or Parrot Security. /s
  • 2
    Computer screen from an Australian tv series while 'hacking' is going on..
  • 2
    $ du | lolcat
    #best hackerman!
  • 2
    @bpaul oh shit binary search is gonna hack them nuclear codes watch out
  • 2
    I mean, technically she got in.
  • 0
    Hacker Girl 🤣😂
  • 0
    Did someone say *kali linux* 🤔
  • 0
    Hacker girl: rm -fr hack_CIA && ls "damn they kicked us out and wiped out drive. Pssss
  • 1
    So, nobody is gonna share this gem?

  • 0
    Is this a real film? Can I watch?
  • 1
    Hahaha 😁 Your friend's comment.
  • 0
    @Squarety yeah well, he is a tree doctor so he knows other stuff.
  • 1
    @wrkuijpers Yeah so he's good in another crucial domain.
  • 0
    sudo hack_CIA *We're in*
  • 1
    @arshcaptano if there's a hacker scene in a movie and they start with typing 'sudo' i just start screaming.
  • 2
    Installs Kali, calls themself a hacker. Sounds 'bout right 😂
  • 1
    This crap is one of my reasons for liking Mr. Robot; all of the commands and whatnot are proper and are actually executed on the set. It's real.
  • 2
    $ touch hack_that_shit
    $ cd hack_that_shit
    $ cat > hack_that_shit.now
    ( shit()->unHacked(true)
    hoodie()->on(true) )
    print("I'm using their own server as a proxy to transfer my credentials to an existing account");
    ( shit()->unHacked(true)
    computer($beeps) )
    print("They're not as dumb as they look");
    $music_volume[ ](9,75);
    ( shit()->unHacked(false) )
    print("yeah, baby");
    $ sido hack_that_shit.now -vvv ./
    # Unknown command given sido
    # Did you mean :
    1- sudo
    2- spotify
    3- npm
    # (Ctrl + C to cancel) [1, 2, 3,]?:
    $ 1
    # Shit successfully hacked.
    # You can burn your computer now,
    # or wait untill police show around.
  • 2
    Still better than God's eye :D #FastAndFurious
  • 1
    The only Show(Movie) i seen and its too close to reality is Mr.Robot , so fucking realistic
  • 0
    @jalalisaeid30 Heard a lot about that, is it good?
  • 0
    @wrkuijpers first Seasons is awesome but second season isn't that good and the third season is somewhere between first and second seasons , but it's like our real world , no faking or something else
    I saw Hacker(Anonymous 2016) it's bullshit
    If you want change your mind and thinking ways
    You should see this tv show
  • 0
    @jalalisaeid30 Not really a tv guy myself, I only watch F1 and the brittish bake-off, but I might give it a try.
  • 2
    @jalalisaeid30 realistic gay sex
  • 1
    cd Hack_CIA, probably the most brilliant privesc I've seen in my life
  • 2
    Save us god

  • 0
    I would've loved if she also put in something like "pwd" or "ls -l"...or to be a real hacker "ls | less"
  • 0
    You are ignoring the fact that the working folder was read-only
  • 0
    I hope you had an instant death.
  • 0
    I must have saw this post 3 times.
    Everytime I see this post, I immediately begin to cringe.
    It became a reflex after a while.
  • 1
    So literally every time I see hacker parts in movies I'm in virtual pain and just squeal and cringe in the seat.
  • 0
    @Ranchu same. especially when all you see is the keyboard and they type random keys, really fast.
  • 0
    @TheAwesome98 fucking precisely.
    It's literally mash on the keyboard for a second, a thousand windows with green text pop up and scroll through and Bam.
    "I'm in"

  • 1
    @Ranchu yes. thats what hackertyper.net is for. real hackers use kali linux. or windows if u know da wae
  • 0
    @bahua r/beatmetoit
  • 0
    Lmao, they ALWAYS do mkdir for some fucking reason .had the same in this movie about this global whether controll satellite network
  • 0
  • 0
    Attacking your partner is not the best way to know if they are cheating or not cause it might lead to violence…do you know you can access their phone without even touching it? Contact Henryclarkethicalhacker AT gmail com. hire them, work with them and the fact will be revealed to you.
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