
With only one tab, this is madness

  • 6
    Google Chrome plugins?
  • 11
    What is wrong with your setups
    Get all that shitty extensions out
  • 1
    @PoweredByCoffee nothing more than AdBlockPlus and EditThisCookie
  • 0
    @Kimmax one word: Parents.
  • 6
    No ways two extensions and one tab spawns so many Google Chrome processes. I understand Chrome memory management can be improved but it is not this bad either.
  • 1
    Chromium: chrome without the google. No add-ons but also no tracking, and nothing like this will ever hapoen. It's definitely a personal decision, but one which i do recommend giving a try.
  • 1
    Its like chrome is the visual studio for browsers as far as ram consumption is concerned.
  • 2
    @kaqqao Don't get me wrong, I don't. But if I install 40 I don't cry about 40 processes.
    It's just how chrome handles things and it literally doesn't matter. The overhead of some more processes vs. one big ass process is literally negligible.
    If it brothers you use another browser, but don't expect them to do much better.
    Also we life in a time where RAM is rather cheap and I can haul many tabs in chrome + VS + MysqlBench + Spotify + Photoshop just fine with 16gb. If you're that kind of person with 200 tabs open use a tab suspender.
    Also a good read about this whole chrome ram cry marathon:

  • 1
    @kaqqao That's nonsense. How is it useless without addons?
  • 0
    A man needs 64GB ddr4 3200MHz ram to survive at today's speed
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    Chrome is a cluster fuck but in my experience supports more than any other browser so I'm tied to using it. Unfortunately.
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    Disco! I know it's another language but yayayayayay
  • 3
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    @teoval8 switch from ABP to uBlock Origin
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    @Scrumplex done yesterday
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    qutebrowser. guys?
  • 0
    Never faced that issue but do face multiple shit chrome when having several tabs open
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