
Guinea pigs are not from Guinea and they aren’t pigs
JavaScript has nothing to do with Java
Computer science is not an actual science
Lawsuit is not an actual suit that the judge wears
Siouxsie Suioux is not Native American
Sugar gliders aren’t made of sugar
People don’t drive on driveways and don’t park on parkways
Carpets have nothing to do with either cars or pets
Gunpowder actually looks like noodles and not like powder
Coca-Cola has no coconut and no cocaine in it. It also contains no cola nuts
Peanuts aren’t actually nuts
Watermelon doesn’t taste like a melon
Laptops are usually used while standing on desks, not laps
GPU, as in graphics processing unit, can process things that aren’t graphical
Silverback gorillas’ backs ain’t made of silver
Rod Steward is not a rod and not a steward
Guy Standing can sit
People who say they can’t stand something usually can actually stand up
People who call themselves woke do sleep sometimes
Hibernation mode in Windows doesn’t actually hibernate anything
Kool Aid can be served hot
Wall sockets can be used while not being attached to a wall
WC is not a closet
MrBeast is in fact human
Dodge cars aren’t better at dodging things than other cars
Some AC units can be operated using DC
Most men don’t menstruate
Pop bottles don’t always go pop
Backpack can be used while not being worn on your back
Watches don’t watch anything
Some keyboards aren’t actually a single board
Cigarettes have cigars, but cassettes don’t have cass, and Gillette doesn’t have gills
Dyson doesn’t make Dyson spheres
Hairdryers can dry things that aren’t hair
Beds aren’t usually made of bedrock
ThinkPads can’t think
MacBooks aren’t books
Ceilings don’t ceil
Platinum records aren’t made of platinum
Training doesn’t always involve trains
Great Britain ain’t that great
HDMI can carry signal that isn’t HD
Fingers do fing but autists don’t aut
American Football band doesn’t play american football
Taylor Swift is neither a taylor nor a swift
Hard disk drive doesn’t drive
Tank tops has nothing to do with the top part of a tank
Tea bags do sometimes contain herbs that aren’t tea
Tea isn’t usually teal
Jack Black isn’t black
Fingernails aren’t nails

  • 3
    I'll have you know my pets park on the carpets
  • 3
    @jestdotty genders don’t gend
  • 2
  • 5
    @jestdotty some heterosexual people do have scoliosis, so some straight people aren’t that straight
  • 1
    Siouxsie Suioux?


    Ah, the lady with the awesome voice.

    Spellbound 🎶
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx the act of assuming has nothing to do with the buttocks of Scottish philosopher David Hume.
  • 2
    Some use a car for shipping, some use a ship for cargo.
  • 1
    @ingosteinke fun fact: despite ammo cartridges and printer cartridges sharing the same name, they have more in common than meets the eye. Typewriters preceded modern printers, and because M1 Thompson submachine gun was also known as Chicago Typewriter, ammo cartridges and printer cartridges are called the same in English. They’re two separate words in Russian, as Soviets never used M1 Thompson in military conflicts as their standard issue weapon, and they didn’t possess modern printing There are other receivers… technology back in wander aimlessly into the forest, come alone the forties.
  • 3
    Coca Cola used to contain cocaine in the past, hence the name.
  • 1
    The one with the AC operating on DC is a fucking pain in the ass! You get some sensor and the power pins have no polarity. Then you need to scramle around the datasheet only to find it can Take AC and DC because it has rectifier inside. Thus the polarity of the wiring does not matter for DC. But forget using 120V or 230V AC its only up to like some non standard 42V AC or some shit. Just give me a polarity and let me hook up my standard 24V DC!!!
  • 1
    Aside from not being made of sugar, sugar gliders have a pretty lousy L/D ratio.

    We should call them meat projectiles instead.
  • 0
    And god isn’t real
  • 1
    @shovethisrant god is a dog.
  • 1

    *my Ted talk before sex*: “some people call me a dog, and some people say I got that hog, but I call this thing… *unzips and big thud sound*… God”

    *angels appear singing with their angelic voices*

    “Thy glorious saintly presence. Suc diccicus to theee”

    “Ur choice to make, will you say yes to heaven baby?”
  • 2
    Siouxie is not a native american and the banshees are not really a banshees!

    Pineapple is not either the pine nor the apple and of course it is also not hybrid of the pine and the apple!

    Windows aren't really windows
    Apple is not really an apple
    Raspberry Pi is not either the fruit, the pie or the π
  • 0
    @C0D4 god dog? thats Johan Seong!

    Ignore me, I am a dweeb!
  • 2
    @devJs devRant is not just about devs ranting. There is twitter, but there is no twit or twittest
  • 1
    @kiki at least X has some X.
  • 0
    @Lensflare from 22nd of February 2022, X has some Z in it
  • 2
    JavaScript is to Java what carpet is to car.
  • 1
    "Taylor Swift is neither a taylor nor a swift"

    i feel like she is definitely a taylor but i'll give you that swift part
  • 1
    Mr Beast is a human but Zuckerberg is not a human
  • 0
    "Kool Aid can be served hot"

    fucking madness. and the only question I have is: yes but why? I repeat myself: BUT WHY.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack pregnancy
  • 1
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    @Wisecrack pregnant people are notorious for craving weird food like ice cream with salmon pieces and whatnot
  • 1
    @jestdotty "normal foods."

    Yeah, in a doctor suisse book maybe.

    or in Le Far North Vikingland where they eat pickled rotten herring covered fermented in piss or some crazy shit like that.
  • 4
    @Wisecrack That's a common misconception. The fermented piss is just to cleanse the palate between courses.
  • 0
    @donkulator christ on a pogo stick.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack it was so exotic but just one pogo stick!
  • 1
    @devJs exotic or erotic?
  • 1
    @Wisecrack SOAD says exotic, I'll stick to that!
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