
Js made me crazy!

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    I was crazy one
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    It's the other way around, you use javascript because you are crazy
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    so use typescript
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    @localpost you want to see the world burn, don't you? Worst advice ever
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    @localpost yes, turn it up a notch, go typescript
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    I've always been mental.
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    @retoor (TS noob here) why?
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    @netikras it adds complexity. But type hinting is nice I guess
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    @retoor frankly, I like TS more than JS mostly for type hinting and compile-time type-related errors.

    Why do you (or "people") deem TS inferior to JS?

    Genuine question. Because I always saw TS superior to JS
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    Typescript sucks because it transpiles into JS anyway. Also it produces JS codes which supposedly can work even in older browsers. I don't like the sound of that. I work in education institution where I can be pretty sure that all my users use modern browsers. It's proven by how nobody complained yet until now.

    IE and ancient Safari/Chrome/Firefox/Opera can go to hell. :-D
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    @daniel-wu I mean... Asm / machine code is a headache to work with and is an unsafe language and yet all the languages are converted into format close to asm. Does that also mean that all the languages are inferior? I think not. They provide additional layers providing whatever they provide
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    @netikras honestly, I have a hard time putting it into words. Once I tried implementing a pattern matching algorithm in typescript. It was like headbanging a wall. Until I decided to write it in JavaScript first and then write its .d.ts file. Things went so smooth I couldn't believe how fast I got it done. Since then, although I rarely write JavaScript, TypeScript feels a bit too patchy
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    @netikras That's like comparing apples to oranges. All codes in the world are translated into machine codes anyway.

    Translating TS to JS is something more similar to using BabelJS or any JS polyfill library.
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    @jestdotty "that does it properly instead of transpiling"
    Has to be compiled instead and include bloated glue code 🤡
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