
So I need to create a nice new web app. Let's look at some cool JS frameworks that I can work with.

*5 mins later* Hm, Angular sounds good, is there any good competitor?

*5 mins later* Wow, React sounds awesome as well. Let me learn it.

Google search result:

"Planning to use react? Check out Vue JS first"

*5 mins later* Ok so vue seems faster than React and much easier to learn. Let me see if Vue is the final choice.

Google search result:

"Angular VS Knockout VS Ember VS React VS Mithril VS Mercury VS Ractive VS Vue VS Riot"

Nope, fuck it

  • 43
    This needs more upvotes
  • 44
    You should have stopped at Vue.js 😝
  • 50
  • 22
    Have you checked out using plain old ajax?
  • 9
    Go Vue with Vuex state manager, really awesome.
  • 14
    @theZorgEffect This is sad... all of these libraries are great, but they do the same thing!

    Can't we just merge their source codes?
  • 7
    @DRSDavidSoft It's sad that Polymer is not in this list. Web components OP.
  • 16
    This is my entire 2016 web dev experience summed up right here :/
  • 11
    @DRSDavidSoft merge conflict. Lots of merge conflict
  • 5
    @DRSDavidSoft if they are same, there's no point in merging them
  • 3
    Been there like 2 weeks ago... Like exactly the same story... Does anyone know the answer? :D
  • 3
    Use one with better community
  • 2
    Parking here...
  • 42
    There's this really strong framework that I've been using almost exclusively lately. It's extremely light weight, fast, easy to learn and there is a plethora of documentation across the web for it. Check it out: http://vanilla-js.com
  • 3
    Yes. Use one with a community. I'm banging my head trying to use Bone.io but... I'm pretty sure the developer abandoned it :(
  • 2
    @theZorgEffect 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
  • 5
    Assembly sounds tempting right about now.
    No wait...
  • 1
    @Sauruz Vue definitely not for big projects that need internationalisation etc. But for small ones angular and react is too much, just my view point.
  • 6
    JavaScript in 2016 reminds me of this: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/...
  • 3
    React is easy and has pretty good support and its also bleeds into mobiles app like angular 2. U can try that. Or else there is always django! *Partial towards python just because it has no bracket scenes. Just indentation*
  • 7
    I've observed people and their framework choice for a while. It almost seems like it's a personality thing.

    Angular2: You really like enterprisey stuff.
    React: You like to run with the cool kids, whoever they are right now.
    VueJS: You like to run with the cool kids, but not those cool kids.
    Aurelia: You like neat boxes that have all the nuts and bolts included.
    Cyclejs: Damn these kids trying to be cool, I'll show ya.
    Elm: Shave your beard, you damn hipster.
  • 5
    This was me weeks ago until I realised the project was just a simple website with so little interactivity. 2 files of vanilla js did all the needed work (animated responsive menu and a few popups).
  • 1
    it's like,
    ok i go with rails for the MVP 😆
  • 5
    For two minutes passed, a framework of js is created
  • 1
    Grabs popcorn...
  • 0
    Glad to see Ractive made the list!
  • 1
    Check out Polymer.js and React Native for mobile yeaaaaaaa.
  • 0
  • 4
    I still find myself more productive without relearning a new framework every 6 months. As long as the app is rather simple, it makes my life so much happier!
  • 0
    I have had nearly exactly this experience.
  • 0
    Haha this is fab because its true, so many frameworks to choose from you never know lol.
  • 0
    Suddenly a wild Aurelia appears.
  • 1
    Hahaha this was me today.
  • 0
    No one gonna vote for ASP.NET MVC 5? Anybody?

    Doesn't the idea of using c# in razor pages sound good to anyone.
  • 3
    take a look at svelte.js and you just may fall in love.
  • 2
    after so much confusing framework, finally you decide to using jquery
  • 1
    @mahaat oh god no
  • 3
    Move to .Net, only 1 solution or no solution.
  • 1
    @ajit555 oh god no
  • 1
    just go vanilla
  • 0
    Been there. Got the t-shirt. +1
  • 1
    big problem with most modern javascript frameworks is that they suffer on npm's dependency hell. plus, it's difficult to guarantee that your code would survive the test of time..
  • 0
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    And that's why I'm sticking to Basic Level 2 for C64. It might be not so powerfull, but predictable and stable AF
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    Here let me help by making another
  • 1
    @Kekica so use none?
  • 1
    @stace yep. I'm in love with Svelte. The learning curve is so low, is very easy to teach the new developers on a team. It's just JS.
  • 0
    In my opinion, the only frameworks you really need to know are vue.js, react, and ember. Svelte is also a good option but I recommend ember over it.Angular is pretty trash honestly. Vue and React are simple and fun to use.
  • 2
    @blackmarket vanilla js is not bad though. That was one of the first frameworks I learned!!.
  • 0
    @FrontEndLove I am curious, why do you think Angular is trash ?
  • 0
    @ReverendLovejoy I did the tour of heroes tutorial so I can get a taste of angular. Right when i was in the middle of the tutorial, it got confusing and I just quit. The npm commands were too hard and the syntax was confusing. I prefer react over angular because 1. It’s pretty easy to learn.
    2.The syntax is simple and I finish my react apps in almost an hour and half. 3. The npm commands are simple compared to angular.I really recommend react over angular.
  • 1
    @FrontEndLove I use both but I don't get what npm commands had to do with the difference
  • 0
    @ReverendLovejoy In my opinion, I think the npm commands are to hard to remember.React has simple commands while angular’s are pretty long
  • 1
    Finally, you end up asking on Stackoverflow or Facebook groups: which js framework is better for building a todo app?

    I always pick the tech that have the biggest community and support.
  • 0
    today i have witnessed the frontend of the app i'm working on for the first time.

    a vue.js app in typescript that needs to be compiled and ran in an npm server or whatever that was... as if it was a real app...

    ...i still haven't processed the utter needlessness of the whole concept.

    JS seems to be a permanent race towards the most number of useless abstractions and indirections used for the most basic shit.

    in JS ecosystem, the more layers of nonsense your code needs to go through to become (or call) an actual runnable useful code, the better that code is considered to be.
  • 3
    "I always pick the tech that have the biggest community and support."

    i prefer to pick the tech that is least shitty, which surprisingly often turns out to be the one precisely on the opposite side of spectrum as the one with biggest community and support.

    i still haven't exactly figured out why, but one of my thoughts is that the better a tool is, the less support it needs, and thus the smaller and less visible community will crystallize around it.
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    @Midnight-shcode “the more layers of nonsense your code needs to go through to become (or call) actual runable useful code” shush that nonsense is called business logic
  • 0
    @jeeper no, business logic is... just boring annoying datajuggling, but it's a valid code.

    the nonsense useless layers are all the js packages and transpilers and dependency managers and autoinjectors and shit
  • 1
    Build a static-HTML-based site with JavaScript enhancements. Your users will thank you (whether silently or vocally).
  • 0
    @kong fuck no, Vue is such a hot pile of garbage. I know React isn't perfect either, but what I've learned in the past 9 months using Vue is that the reactivity is so unnecessarily complicated over there. 10 different types of reactive variables, having to declare components you're going to use even though you've already imported them (? XD). Would never recommend Vue.js, even with Composition API - for simple things it's all good, but when you have to do something even slightly more complicated than displaying a button incrementing a counter, you inevitably start thinking - I could do it so much cleaner and faster in React
  • 1
    Thank you for that!
  • 0
    You forgot Svelte. Fuck FE honestly.
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