
Ok so I decided to do some Vue + Vite + Tailwindcss
OMG.... the flames I saw setting up tailwindcss in Vue 😢😢😢

A whole bunch of docs where all about setting it up in react
even after 24 hours I then found a doc that was specific for Vue
same commands for react as well where used
then I had to copy the last step and override the tailwind config file with those specific configurations

why tha fuck couldn't they just create Vue specific commands that generate configurations for Vue
WTF 🤨🤨🤨🤨

  • 3
    Tailwind is the absolute fucking worst and no one should use it
  • 1
    Not to offend, but this rant... Shit, don't know what's worse, OP sheepishly hitting Quickstart/Getting-Started instead of Docs or OP complaining that tailwind"CSS" should have a Vue specific command
  • 2
    It's CSS framework. Why adopt it to Vue or any JS thing for that matter?
  • 2
    Don’t go down that dark path of CSS frameworks
  • 5
    idk why there are css frameworks
  • 0
    I don't know why I even tried it
  • 0
    I like tailwind 👀
  • 2
    @jestdotty same reason you have any framework, to avoid building stuff from scratch. Chances are if you work on a large enough project, by the end you will have built your own mini tailwind. Just saying ...
  • 4
    @superdupernova yeah, I’ve built a mini redux. Was lots of fun
  • 3
    @superdupernova yes but it'll make sense to the project

    when i was in school bootstrap was all the rage. learning bootstrap is like learning CSS but then your skills are not transferable
    on top of it if you needed it to do something specific... you're in for some hell

    just learning CSS would've been the better option. the project would've been less of a mess. it would've been slower to start because you would've had to make the components yourself but it would've benefited the product in the end, because by the end people were just struggling to make any visual changes and it was a nightmare
  • 2
    @jestdotty because they don't want to learn css at all but built stuff!
  • 3
    Do it all using cdn's laddy. You don't have to build Vue anymore with npm. Modules are supported by browsers now.

    Did you see vuetify? I love it. But professionally I have the privilege not to do Javascript.

    Also, the only cool css frameworks are the class less frameworks
  • 4
    Im pretty sure that frameworks will be one of the causes of humanity's downfall. It's like a game of jenga that has gone on for too long already...
  • 2
    @awesomeest in the end - only c developers who wrote their own shit survive and get all the boiis
  • 2
    I recall letting down a frontend dev interviewing me bc I know raw CSS and not a framework….i don’t regret letting him down bc I would’ve been letdown working with their likely shit codebase.

    I bet they don’t know what absolute positioning is lol

    Slight ego flex-it isn’t hard to build smaller versions of some of these tools that have all the relevant features ur codebase needs without npm i @huge-ass-framework/gigabytes-of-node-modules-that-youll-never-fucking-use
  • 0
    Then the Nebraska guy died of a widowaker heart attack
  • 1
    @retoor lol... i literally just posted a comment on another rant about all of my totally applicable(in the event of an apocalyptic reality) rare skill sets thatd outweigh being annoying, costly(handicapped) and autistic. I <3 C; it's part of why python annoys me so much. I had to learn C so I could write drivers. I learned this the hard, and apparently rare, way-- splicing mobos and mapping hardware from multiple sources together. I was 7 or 8. I used to think that other people saying they were "building a computer" were ofc doing what i was doing. Now i know everyone else means they are swapping parts that are made for the same config like a legos set, not sauder and electrical mods.
  • 1
    @TeachMeCode dude... most people dont realise this but the entire internet (at least the stuff they know) is run off of 13 root dns servers and there's 7(im not positive of this number but it's tiny) people, quietly, essentially holding the keys to something akin to a master TLD domain names to registration info... for the entire world. It's pretty trippy.
  • 0
    @awesomeest imagine in you were a guy. You would have a epic pp
  • 2
    @retoor yea... but tbh it wouldn't really be fair. Learning most things is ridiculously easy for me. When I was a little kid, ~6yr old+, i used to check out books really incognito. My father... him quoted "Never read a book in my adult life!", my mother read a bunch and wasnt the most vigilant. Id go to the city library with my mom... she'd tell me to pick out some book(s) in the kids section, then go find/get the ones she wanted. Id grab some kids' book then ask a librarian to help me get code books. Both my mother and typical helpful people were annoying/tedious to deal with when i did something that other kids didnt, so i just avoided them noticing.

    Also, my big pp would probably be algo and/or data archs based. To prove a point, i won a sematic war about "needing" a database language to make a specific application by writing a data arch into a system of dynamic JSON files. It was an epic stubborn misuse of time, but i did it.
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