
why write tests when all the code's logic perfectly lives in your head, ayyo

  • 4
    Thy code may outlive thy head.
    Folks other than thou may use the code.
    Thou may write more code and forget thy code.
  • 3
    Glad I'm not on your team OP
  • 0
    because you apparently lack awareness of the fact that "you believe your idea to be perfect" does not equal to "your idea is perfect".

    as well as the fact that other contributors of your project (for example "future you") can not look inside your head.
  • 3
    Why write the code when the logic lives in your head
  • 0
    I do it for the sarcasm
  • 0
    Why write them period
  • 1
    @kiki or more concisely:

  • 1
    I gotta say the idea of ”tests as documentation” is often overrated if it’s a complex codebase where you’re testing modules that are super specific to your implementation

    Like..new team members aren’t gonna read your tests for FractalFooParser - because they don’t know what Foo is.

    Seeing a Scenario like ”Given: Bar of magnitude 4. Then we should output 6 Foos split by 2 groups” doesn’t help.

    Yes - the tests are still essential for preventing errors, but no one is gonna read that shit to understand the system - they’ll only read it if the tests start failing
  • 2
    For the next victim. (Developer)
  • 0
    no tests == job security
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