That's disturbing

  • 20
    Engineer: We've just created the perfect physical simulation of matter!
    Person: That's amazing! Can I see?
    Engineer: It won't run.
    Person: Why?
    Engineer: Chad had the genius idea to make trigonometric calculations perfect. It's stuck on calculating fucking Pi every time.
  • 2
    or awesome?
  • 4
    the answer everything. 🙄
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    get a ++ for mentioning your mbti type in your profile. first one I saw here :)
  • 1
    @mak420 😅 too
  • 2
    You have the best functions as INTP, Ti - Ne my favourites :))
  • 1
    How high when someone wrote this
  • 0
    @ironedr the Babel transpiler? It just generates an AST from ES6 and does some transforms with plugins. How hard can that be? 😉
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    What if pi repeated at the 3.14 trillionth digit?
  • 1
    @mak420 I got inspired to put my type in the profile info too. :)
  • 1
    haha nice :) It's so much easier to handle people if you know there MBTI type xD
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    I don't think this is correct; since even though pi is an irrational number, it still follows a formula. If it were completely random, I'd agree with this hypothesis here.
  • 2
    I'm even sure it's not correct I had long conversation with math professor about this but I'm not as good in english to talk about here. In shortcut: there's a possibility that pro will start to repeat somewhere and won't stop doing it. But e.g. All Natural numbers won't (think about it)
  • 0
    Pick any image say it has 60×60 pixels each pixel value lies between( 0, 255 ) now this image contains evry possible image that we can ever have
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    What about the Tau master race?
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    I mean all natural numbers will work*. Sorry I can't edit my comment :(
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    @wzieba pi is an irational number. Not a natural number.
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    @seplayer lol sure it is. I don't see your point
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    All natural numbers I don't mean 1,2,3... but 12345678910111213 etc - you won't have period here
  • 0
    @mak420 I can't stand that fucker. I always get different results, because people don't fit nicely in boxes. Personality tests are bullshit and anyone who takes them for more than face value (IE. They are in that mindset rn) doesn't understand how things work in the real world
  • 0
    @mak420 functions 🤔
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