Hi everyone, I'm new here but I liked the posts so I thought I'd chip in. Here's a picture of my home office.

I'm currently brushing up on SQL and Java in my internship while I await graduation at the end of the year. Java>C# IMO. C++ is my first love but nobody wants to hire for it anymore.

To everyone who's worked in Java, Eclipse or Intellij IDEA and why? (I mostly use Eclipse because the internship requires it).

I hope to have fun here, so please give me a warm welcome or a rant.

  • 4
    Welcome, just wanted to say I checked out your site and I am impressed with your projects! Just curious how long have you been developing because I can only imagine the time you put into those projects.
  • 2
    Nice setup.

    (And peep the devDuck in the corner)
  • 2
    I know the appeal of Java. I worked a few years with it (NetBeans), but I really like the syntax of C# much more. It is way more elegant to write and read.

    Anyways, welcome to devRant!
  • 5
    Once you go jetbrains you never go back
  • 4
    I've been using IntelliJ for years now, before I used Eclipse. Though IntelliJ is paid, it's totally worth it. From the beginning, it boosted my productivity with very clever shortkeys and other features that assist the developer. Even today, when I discover something new, it surprises me.
    Try it, you'll love it!
  • 2
    Intellij for me.
    It‘s got a beautiful dark theme :P
    And I just feel like it‘s more organized and less of a mess. But that‘s probably just because I am used to Intellij.

    What I don‘t get is all the people who say they use eclipse because Intellij costs money...
    It doesn‘t. The free version of intellij has everything one needs.
  • 0
    Welcome to devRant! Beautiful setup and plentiful projects! You will fit in well!
  • 0
    Nice setup, are you using one of those unicomp boards?
  • 1
    Oh, Megumin figure)

    Take some warm!
  • 2
    I tend to side towards IntelliJ after using Jetbrains stuff for a year in a uni project and for placement this year.
    They're resource hogs, but I've grown used to the testing and debugging integrations.

    ps. I'm jealous of your setup!
  • 1
    Welcome Devrant!
    I'm in love with all Jetbrains products because everything is cool and nice looking
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    how do you use 2 mice at the same time?
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    Welcome from a fellow newbie :)
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    What a neatly arranged work bench!
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    IntelliJ because the code analysis and refactoring has increased Java performance in my builds. It's absolutely worth the price.
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    Intellij with dark theme for sure. Having worked with Eclipse in the past I can definitely say Intellij is better IMHO.
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    @Alice because I use cats
  • 1
    @dalastTomCruise 6 straight months of breathing, eating, and sleeping C++/C#. I had this idea that I could get into a career doing this but it seems you need 2+ years industry experience first so I'll probably end up doing backend as a first step into any kind of dev job and then try again down the road.
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    @geaz That is very true. C#'s syntax is the best I've ever used but I know Ruby has a cult following. (Terrible to debug it IMO)
  • 1
    @starrynights89 yes! You already have the experience... with a little enterprise experience you should be able to land one. You are already doing an internship right? I encourage you (if you aren't already) to keep working on game related projects if that's your main goal. Backend experience will help because game systems have backends obviously.

    Addition: if you do a mobile game that does online playing and user sign ins that'll be excellent experience in web socket programming and queuing along with all other backend programming
  • 1
    Devrant has a really nice community, I started using it a week ago. I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I do :)
  • 0
    ++ for nice setup and megumin fig/nendo

    I've used eclipse in my entire intro course on uni but doesn't have any experience on using intelliJ (Android studio didn't count, right?).

    Can't give OP any comparison on the two, but I'd say try both and use the fastest/the easiest to use
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