So I’m a web developer at a company.

And I’m not allowed to access the web.

Any advice?

  • 131
    Just leave
  • 29
    Explain your boss why you need access to web.

    Tell him, when he/she is hungry just see the food that he/she wants dont eat it. And says your are full.

    And boss fucking doesnt understands then look for new job.

    I was working for a big company and has lots of security access and they block most tech sites. I told the reporting manager over there. He said, its the policies cant do much on it. Then I explained the same shit. He didnt agree with that. Later there was nother meeting with higher officials, I explained the issue and explained about hunger and food. Then, they were like yeah we will see that (obviously its gonna take 2-3 weeks) And I litterally stood up and said I dont want to work with stupid peope and left the room.

    Same evening, got a call to visit the my office. Got fired. Got paid.
  • 44
    You'd be better off unemployed tbh.
  • 30
  • 13
    Then build your own web
  • 6
    Just download whole SO
  • 5
    I saw so many suggestions to leave, i suggest you doing that but meanwhile If your company sponsors your your phone and data, browse the ducking web on your phone to get important things done.
  • 3
    Quit or meditate for eternity.
  • 1
    Q U I T
  • 34
    Don't quit. Tell them you will work from home until the office is suitable for work.
  • 5
  • 1
    @-infinity my first thought.
  • 8
    became a desktop developer
  • 2
    Suck up paychecks till they kick you out lolol jk don't do that
  • 4
    @Crazed why not? When the shit comes down just say you send multiple emails to your superiors pointing out the issue, and then explain they were not delivered because you have no internet, easy.
  • 1
    @commanderkeen idk seems sketchy lol
  • 5
    Can you ssh out? If so, you can use that to set up a SOCKS5 proxy so you can access the web.
  • 1
    It's time to leave.
  • 2
    @bittersweet has the answer.
  • 3
    Use ms word to create all websites for the company. Tell them that this is the only possible way without access to Web.
  • 8
    Go to your boss.
    Stare him down. This is important.
    Turn off his pc. (Unplug the cable directly, that's how rough you need to be)
    Take a seat in front of him, staring at him coldly.
    Ask him to mail you the list of things to work on. Keep the intense stare.
    When he tries to turn his pc on, swat his hands sharply, 'Don't you dare, bitch.'
    Keep this up till your point gets hammered into his thick skull.
    Then kick his monitor off on your way out for wasting your time.

    Or just use your own phone Internet to look up and apply to jobs while you sit on your desk doing nothing.
  • 1
    @bittersweet ey that's a pretty reasonable idea, I'll remember that if I ever get into this kind of situation
  • 5
    Just send an email to your boss every 5 minutes requesting a copy of <insert specific version of some .net/php/js/java/whatever module here>

    Follow up with a request for a copy of the documentation.
  • 3
    Better no Internet than no computer
  • 2
    Would a VPN work to circumvent those blockers?

    If it does, F*** the system!
  • 1
    Abandon company, kill it with a klingon warship
  • 1
    @snakebyte and had no access to a desktop 😅
  • 1
    @pseudodev It's like developing code in C without a compiler.
  • 2
    access steam in your office then
  • 3
    Boss: Hah! You're web dev? So create the web and the internet yourself.
  • 2
    Run as long as you still can
  • 1
    Sounds like my military service
    Except I couldn't quit
  • 1
    VPN.. or should tunnel
  • 0
    Totally meant VPN or ssh tunnel... Auto complete
  • 0
    Give up, you've failed.
  • 0
    I hope this is a joke tbh
  • 1
    @leksyib great logic considering he is a web designer 😂
  • 1
    @jonhyfun developer* literally
  • 0
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