Enough of this!!! I need a break.
*Gets up partially from chair*
*Looks back at the code, gets an idea*
*Sits down again for couple of hours*

  • 4
    I find sitting on the toilet works too. You'll figure out a problem in 5 minutes that's been killing you for hours...
  • 2
    Mine was napping for few minutes then the first thing that comes to my mind is the solution to my issues
  • 1
    @jinryu Sleep - the best debugger 😍 For me the issue with naps is that the nap minutes always turn into hours of sleep 😭
  • 1
    Haha I often dress up to go out smoking, then keep sitting in front of my machine wearing a winter jacket and a hood 😂
  • 4
    Shower works well too.
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