Tests only make sense in TDD.

  • 15
    This is why we get things like 8 million computers bsoding
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    @ScriptCoded that particular one was a null pointer error and could have been prevented by using a language which has non-nullable types. No tests needed.

    Otherwise, the first line of defence against null pointer are assertions.

    Tests should be used for higher level problems/bugs.
  • 4
    tests only make sense if you're not an idiot, and your project is more complicated than a piece of toast.
  • 2
    @jestdotty seriously? Have you ever heard of regressions?
    The tests make sure that things don’t break when the code base changes.

    Also tests can be a kind of documentation about the expected behavior.
    Even for yourself in 3 months when you forget what the fuck that code should be doing.
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    > but if I run the test once and know it works why would I keep the test after that

    I can't really tell, but hopefully it's a joke.
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    @jestdotty for the vast majority of code, you are right. But there definitely are some rare cases where tests absolutely make sense.

    I think the main issue is that many people don’t understand it and then write test for the sake of testing or try to reach a specific % number of test coverage.
    If they then don’t see the point of testing, it’s completely understandable.

    But dismissing testing entirely is also the wrong approach.
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    @Lensflare To be honest I haven't researched it at all. I'm on vacation mode 😎
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    What if you use RDD (reation driven development)?
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    @devdiddydog that butthead just dropped this bomb and then is enjoying the chaos without engaging himself 😂
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    I’d agree for unit testing specifically
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    @Lensflare Yep, next it will be "Linux is not for production, Windows is for trad wives. Change my mind."
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