I can’t take this shit anymore. I’m constantly cleaning up the diarrhoea behind other incompetent nutjobs, while these very same people treat me like I have no clue about programming because I won’t introduce their unmanaged dependencies which they call snippets into the clients code base. Whoever transitioned from “int - int” to freelance / self employed please give me some tips

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    squash ur balls and suffer. then shit a lot. thats how im self employed now as a contractor taking shits from nobody
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    Just coast and collect your paycheck, do the bare minimum, enjoy life and look for a better job on the side.
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    @b2plane so you’re saying just do it? I have nothing against suffering,but I think some preparation would be in order beforehand. Or am I misunderstanding you?
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    @jestdotty hmm you’re right. I read tons about the psychologolical side of things and saw what I did wrong. But still this has got to end, people telling me how to do my job is so rage-inducing to me.
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