Fucking hate when "senior" and "lead" devs ignore the advice of numerous junior devs when it comes to technical and process driven decisions. Especially when said higherups don't even code anymore and don't really understand the consequences of their decisions.

  • 5
    Yeah, it's even worse when they have big egos to match.
  • 1
    Welcome to office politics. And titles don't mean squat.
  • 1
    That happens way too often in smaller companies, the owners that haven't out any kind of effort in to learning new stuff or at least being up to date. Just decides not to follow the advice of people who are studying daily and experimenting with every tool on the market, just cuz it seems too complicated to them.
  • 0
    @marcel I can confirm through experience that it happens in any size company
  • 2
    How do you call yourself a senior or lead if you don't code anymore?
  • 3
    I'm going to play the devil's advocate here. The fact that they are a "senior" is because they are held liable if anything goes wrong. Hence they are more resistant to change.

    Having said that, I have seen experienced people ignore good advice many times, which is not good. But hey, they are still liable, right?
  • 2
    Unit testing, denied.
  • 2
    Perhaps it is because the senior and lead developers decisions are grounded in more experience than that of juniors.

    Juniors have good ideas, don't get me wrong. But most of the time, they need to just absorb the knowledge of the seniors.

    Unless the senior or lead truly is an idiot. In which case for your own good you should probably find a new job. You need someone above you that you can genuinely learn from as a junior.
  • 3
    @debug "Unit testing? Just build it so it works first time!" /s
  • 0
    At least they code whatsoever. My company has at least 5 people (1 in particular) who do nothing whatsoever except complain at meetings and they get paid probably around 300K.
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