Boy do I hate office politics...

A client asked our company to fix perf issues on their product. Our coleagues had been picked for the job [being led by another 3rd-party, as per client's request]. Aaand they dropped the ball. The deadline is in 2 weeks, nothing is working.

Mgmt engaged us to put out the fire, but strictly at the scope the other guys were working in.

On the first day of testing we've revealed an elephant-sized perf issue that's as easy to fix as brainlessly changing 4 values in config. And that elephant is masking all the other perf issues.

We got a firm NO for config changes as that is out of the defined scope. And we're asked to continue testing.

I mean, the elephant is THAT huge that any further testing is moot - all other bottlenecks are hidden behind it. And just changing those 4 values would reduce the resources required by a magnitude of ~10.

But that's out of scope...

Client is desperate, lost and honestly asking us, pros in the field, for help.. We know how to help.. It takes 10 seconds to apply the fix..

But our mgmt forbids us to step out of the scope :/

as a result we have to pretend to be dummies hardly knowing what to do and hide the truth from the customer they so desperately want.

This is frustrating. And wrong. And imo unprofessional

  • 17
    That sounds stupid. If the required fix is "out of scope" but is the correct fix, it should be communicated with the client and if needed, the allocated time should be re-negiotiated to fix the new scope as necessary.

    If this is just a misconfiguration on the side of the client, then informing them about whats happening under the hood and explaining how those config changes help should be the right move.
  • 10
    Send the client to the management
  • 3
    @iiii they are all joining the same meetings
  • 11
    CYA by emailing the proposed solution, and get the manager NO answer in writing. Continue with "I recommend discussing it with the client". This keeps you in the clear, and professional.

    And then let it Fail.
  • 0
    What the fuck does the management have to do with fixing performance issues?

    Fix the fucking issues and move on
  • 14
    Fuck it, straight-up tell the client what the deal is, right on your next call, in front of everyone.

    Having a job is fantastic. But having to play games because of some higher-up assholes isn't. Lose the job if you must, it's not worth the guilt you'll feel for not doing the right thing.

    Either that, or just totally detach emotionally from what's going on and flat-out just don't give a shit... but the fact that you're posting this here indicates it's probably too late for that.

    I'd rather lose my job for doing the right thing than hang on knowing I'm fucking someone for stupid reasons. It's really not worth it if you're someone that cares about what you're doing, which really should be everyone (at least during working hours).
  • 3
    You shouldn't have told the management about the config changes.

    Now to something completely different: Configs get parsed and parsers sometimes have bugs where they are ignoring configured values in favor of sane "defaults"...
  • 1
    omg. you should change job
  • 2
    Seems like your mgmt is concerned about billing more workhours by fixing symptoms instead of the disease. Classic
  • 1
    Asking for forgiveness is easier than asking for permission
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