
I am drunk af so I apologize for this but the entire reason I work all the time is to keep myself from killing myself. My late girlfriend committed suicide because she couldn’t keep others from judging her. I love her so much… can’t decide if I’d be happier alive here or dead with her. 💔💔💔

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    yes well I can't keep others from judging me either

    I tried a lot

    think you just gotta know it's more a reflection of them than you

    it becomes evident when you go through multiple friend groups that don't have people in common. the groups never judge you the same way. the judgements are just a reflection of the people making them (and also some rumour mill stuff, like they'll reinforce judgements they heard others make, which I think is kind of lame)
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    I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. Please know that you're not alone, and there is help to listen and support you. please reach out to a helpline in your country.

    It's completely understandable to feel overwhelmed and judged.
    Your girlfriend's suicide must have been incredibly hard for you. It's natural to grieve and feel a range of emotions, but drinking and considering suicide are not healthy or safe ways to cope.

    If you're feeling suicidal or are in crisis, please reach out to a helpline or contact a mental health professional immediately.
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    That's sad, man. Please accept my condolences on your loss. May her Soul Rest in Peace 🙏

    But fret not. Your GF will live within you forever and she would hate to see you join her. I know it won't help much when I say that life is much more than being together with your love. But it is the hard truth. Life has to move on and you could become much stronger and be even more loving than ever. Life is just too big to be hung up on one thing

    Sorry if this message doesn't come across as soothing enough. Just live your life you have got and let the sadness and loneliness disappear gradually. Stay strong. Life has much more to offer
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    i got cheated on by my ex for the past 2 years
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    Sorry to hear this. I know the world and the future look really bleak right now and you wish you could do anything to change the past, but never give up hope on your own life. I hope it gets better
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    Don't take stupid people's judgement as a fact. It is merely a reflection of their limited worldview.

    I wish for you to find open-minded and supportive friends, that accept you as you are and are there for you and tell you that you are good as you are, and that you may also accept yourself.

    I am just an internet stranger that has been going through a tough time as well, but let me tell you that you don't need the acceptance of others to be yourself and be happy. And if people judge you for that, it's their problem, not yours.
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    Hey everyone, thanks for the kind replies ❤️
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    I’m so sorry to hear this. My condolences for your loss. I feel these words are kind but never enough to express the sadness can empathy in these situations.

    I had a lover die by suicide also. We were not together at the time but it hurt immensely. I still cared for her and wanted her to succeed.

    We are the friends they are survived by. We get to tell our own story. The meaning is ours to attribute. I decided I did not want to end my plot at that time.
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    Hang in there. ♥️
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    @jeeper sorry to hear about your love. May her Soul Rest In Peace 🙏

    Glad to see you survived this loss
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