
the urge of every generation to make a difference will collapse the system

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    @jestdotty It might be this is just part of human nature to look how things behave after change.

    My recent interests in subjection of thoughts and thoughts injection might make me a different conclusion but that’s just another conspiracy theory.

    Might be also I’m slowly getting old and grumpy.
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    @jestdotty because we are a weird kind of species. We like to be petted, we like to feel important, needed, meaningful, irreplaceable. One way to achieve this isbto make smth 'ground breaking'. Then everyone will know it's you, you'll be recognized and needed, until someone else tops you.

    We are the weirdos of self importance, living in our own planets the little prince flew by
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    That, and the fact that the easiest way to make a difference is to break stuff.
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    simply wait for an year and give them low appraisals.

    or better yet, don't wait for a year and start tormenting them with bureaucracy from day 1.

    "why didn't you fixed the random bug that we assigned you 3 minutes before release, that would require 200+ file changes? why, why?"
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    Yeah but that's not necessarily a bad thing either. I look at it as a markovian random walk. Eventually we will try enough stuff and discover enough new patterns that the system will get a little bit better and the cycle will start anew.

    In the end, stagnation is also not a good outcome. We're in a system that is far from perfect and historically speaking, it tends to get worse before it gets better and more stable again :/

    Life is turbulent no matter where and when you live imo.
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    aren't you living in a reality built on top of such dynamics? If it would collapse we'd still be living in castles and bourgs
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