Mom, Look at me. I'm famous.

Seriously I would throw you guys a party if I knew y'all personally.

  • 2
    Nice! ;>

    @jestdotty Kinda makes me wanna go back to making videos too, but I'm too fucking delirious so it always comes out like I'm an asylum escapee skipping his medication. Mmmh, actually forget it, I should capitalize on that shit.
  • 3
    Can’t wait for u to upload our fight and then you can get so much more
  • 3
    @kanyewest AI yourself with a white avatar and live voiceover with British accent

    I was browsing twitch once... and there was this weird fucking raccoon avatar. he recorded himself with a webcam but then ran it through some kind of animated raccoon program. you could hear this guy was fat. this was in the horror category and he would just play horror games as the villain and just shout unhinged slurs about how much he hated women as he killed people in his video game. goddamn

    I bet nobody knew what he looked like irl, and I wanted that avatar program but evidently it's some program you gotta buy and I was like nahhh
  • 0
    Count me in sid the aids guy but only if u throwing a yacht party
  • 0
    Niiice dude. Any tips for us beginners?
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