24 reasons to feel jealous.
She's 10 years ahead of me

  • 43
    Please charge your battery
  • 11
    Wait... your how old 😱

    Kids these days...
  • 3
  • 3
    @Aitkotw thanks for showing your care
  • 17
    it’s just a list, doesn’t mean she can do any of it. Right your own superior list and save some time.😀
  • 2
    @helloworld i understand. But still.
    She is more adaptive
  • 6
    I am sure you have 10 years worth of .. something over her.. Have something, right? Right?
  • 6
    @CurseMeSlowly Calculus ...i guess
  • 11
    I'm a simple guy, I see R, I ++
  • 10
    No one has mentioned them?

    I'm 15, and I have made interpreters, emulators, raycasters and raytracers.

    I made my first emulator from scratch when I was 14. And my first raycaster when I was around 13 and a half.

    More recently, I've been getting into making my own languages.

    I spend too much time programming 😪
  • 22
    @coolq stop making us feel like shit
  • 10
    @YourNemesis can we demand account suspension ?
  • 7
    @jalebiBhai Haha :p
    But honestly, seeing people do so much so young motivates me to improve as well.
    Great going @coolq @Michelle
  • 6
    Sorry, but I'm your nemesis, it's my job now 😂
    (Sorry, really bad joke)

    Seriously though. While I might be more skilled in programming, just talk about politics and watch my confused face 😝

    I have a lot of supportive people around me, which helps 😉
  • 3
    I hope not! This is my favourite app!
  • 3
    @coolq you don't know the power of masses
  • 16
    I'm flattered actually.

    Just because I know all those doesn't mean I'm 100% perfect at them. I've switched so much skills that I haven't given myself enough time to become perfect at them.

    Honestly, you shouldn't compare yourself to me, since I'm practically nothing. I'm just a kid who's doing this for fun.

    I looked at your profile, and I've noticed you do JavaScript. I hate JavaScript so I'm really bad at it, but you on the other hand must be a pro at it, compared to me.

    You have your skills and I have mine. No need to feel jealous because then you'll start to feel regretful. Trust me, I've been there.

    If anything, I think the fact that people take the time to perfect a certain language is impressive and amazing :)
  • 6
    @Michelle calm down .... calm down
  • 6
    It's 4 am so I'm typing without thinking. If I say something weird then warn me, please. I alway say weird things when I'm tired.
  • 4
    Well this is it then, farewell comrades and fellow developers. It has been a happy last few months. I feel sad parting with you all, this had become my home. The place I could reside and share stories, and listen to the great tales of other developers.

    There is a pain in my chest, like an empty hole. DevRant has always been there for me, caring, we helped each other. We grow together, as one. And it pains me to split, but it is time for me to grow my own branch.

    Clearly, this is my journey. This is my problem, that I must deal with. The hole in my heart will never fill. I will always keep that part here, devoted to DevRant and my fellow friends here.

    (Just kidding! This is a joke, I wouldn't leave DevRant!)
  • 2
    Ah, no problem. Happens to me too, I try to avoid staying up too late.
  • 2
    im 14 and programming compilers. jealous?
  • 1
    Nope, that's just me 😂
    Others might be. I think this is just a demonstration of how powerful the internet is...

    Also, I'd be keen to add you on Discord: taigaclaw#5203
  • 2
    @coolq xD

    though no need to mention, in the last line
  • 1
    That's not a bad list but I don't get what op is trying to say.... Oh wait java... And vim... Yeah. Now I'm jealous.
  • 0
    @linuxer4fun nope, but your admin skills really suck
  • 3
    @Michelle I like your thought process.
  • 9
    I'm 22 and I can make coffee (sorta)
  • 3
    @Michelle I’m jealous that you have 7947++’s
  • 3
    7K is nothing tho :)
  • 4
    @Michelle ...and you just picked up another 10 :-(
  • 5
    You did too :)
  • 3
    @Michelle You are funny 😀👍🏼
  • 6
    Step 1: Do a Hello World in random technology

    Step 2: Add to Profile / CV
  • 6
    This is a scary post. I'm obsolete already. 😫😓😧
  • 2
    @coolq that is one impressive beard for 16 y'old
  • 3
    @Michelle If I ever meet you, I think I might propose you 😝😁
    ( I'm 20. Its 12.30 AM. I should sleep.)
  • 5
    No offense, but simply knowing a lot of languages doesn't mean much. Languages are quite easy to learn compared to all the rest of the stuff that programming is about. I thought languages were a pretty big deal too, but programming is Sooo much more than that. There's efficiency (sorts, trees, hash tables), there's data structures, there's writing clean code for later debugging, and much more.
    For example, the reason the popular emulators are, well, so popular, is because they are efficient. Nobody wants an emulator that barely runs. A programmers skill is not measured by the amount of languages they can use, that's a terribly common misconception. It's how well they can use the code that they can use, because that skill is universal in Programming.

    Just my 2 cents as a second year Computer Science student
  • 2
    @World age doesnot matter as long as you know more languages compared to her 😜
  • 3
    @jalebiBhai That, I don't. Unless you count kshs, owoe, kals and 20 other languages I just made up off the top of my head right now.
  • 4
    @Michelle Add "Wisdom" to your skills :D
  • 4
    Uh, yeah you should sleep haha. I'm 16, so I'm pretty sure wouldn't want to do that xD
  • 2
  • 2
    @Michelle yeah ... bloody paedeophile @World
  • 4
    @jalebiBhai @Michelle Whoa whoa whoa whoa... Its paedophile to like someone who is just a few years younger than me?
  • 2
    I'm 18 and all I do is mostly PHP
  • 4
    @jalebiBhai Here I am 23 years old and still center aligning things.
  • 2
    @web-artisan 28 and just wrote some !important
  • 1
    Humility, if you think you are good at something remember that there's a 4 yo asian kid better than you
  • 1
    Yeah, my profile doesn't really reflect my actual look. Since there's no child-like avatars anyway, I just went crazy.
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