I didn't know they 'patched' the balding bug in men, but apparently there are real medicines now that can prevent + stop it in men?


Looking at some of you guys 👀

  • 5
    Side note: the internet algorithms now think I'm a balding 40 year old man
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    There's always the option of shaving the head, growing a beard, and still be 0xBADA55.
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    @kobenz damn I feel so seen
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    Treatment includes wigs and emotional support
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    I don’t that applies to men who purposefully rip their hair out
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    I don't get the ... Panic, anxiety and mental breakdown some people have regarding baldness or other aspects of beauty.

    Hygiene is mandatory, not an aspect of beauty ;)

    The only thing that I disdain, especially with my fucked lungs, are people that drown themselves in deodorant / parfume and think of that as hygiene...

    Its bad when you turn blue cause someone in close distance decided to become a gas dwarf.
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    “I don’t get the…”

    Let me guess… you have hair?

    Hard to get what you don’t have to live through.

    Bald programmer here. Just started the meds to stop it, I’ll report back in a year.
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    I shaved my head in covid regularly cause barber wasn't an option.


    Was just the most pragmatic choice as shaving is the best way to not have very weird cut hair.

    But seriously: What is the deal?

    I don't get it.

    It seems to me more a social pressure thing... and a very lucrative business as it is exploited by the pharma industry.
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    Just easy for people who CAN grow hair to say it’s no big deal.

    I didn’t think it was a big deal until it happened to me.
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    If you would now elaborate what is so absolutely worse about being bald, we could have a serious discussion. :)

    But thats exactly the thing: Bald or hairy doesn't change a damn thing.

    If people give you weird looks. So be it.

    Or whats truly the problem?

    Your ego maybe? Same way we grew old and might get grey hair, we might grew old and loose all hair. Some with 20… others with 100 years.


    Its really not a deal unless you yourself make it one.
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    @kobenz you just talked about it
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    AFAIK there's minimal evidence it widely works, and even then, only when you catch it early.

    Personally I'm of the "own it and be you" philosophy, so not something I've looked at seriously for myself. For others where it really knocks their confidence though - definitely a good option to have.
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