Coming back to devRant after almost a decade, what did I miss?

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    A whole lot, I gotta say. I've been here for the past 1.5 years and we went through so many phases during just my time. So there's a LOOOOOT more that you missed out on.
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    @SidTheITGuy I just opened a random post, and there was a reference to some prior "lore" about families and past work.

    Guess I'll just have to catch up as I go along 😂
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    @Lawrenz1337 I'd advise against it. You'd leave again after seeing the degenerate filth posted here.

    And I'm only talking about myself :D
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    @SidTheITGuy I'm already sold, no need to sell it further XD
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    You missed the decadence of devRant. Less people here, the admins are not around, app not updated anymore, spammers appear upvoting their own posts...
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    What was it like back then?
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    Currently you can’t say anything against JS.

    If you do, a specific person will instantly come in and start whining about how his favorite language is insulted and how this implies that he is a worthless web dev.
    Then he will call you an idiot and a retard. He will also tell you to stop whining, even if he is the one that whines.

    So try at your own risk ;)
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    @black-kite it was crazy. Devs posting nudes back then. C devs where the hottest. Who would've expected that
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    You missed the best parts.
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    I'm pretty sure it didnt come out til 2016.... mainly because I just restarted using it after several years as well.

    My conclusion on what I (and likely you) missed:

    Rants about all the new trendy bs/frameworks/languages/etc and needing to adopt them.-- totally expected.

    Some dude, b2plane, his limited vocabulary and fascination with posting his bowel habits, somehow relating it to dev topics. -- totally asinine but so far an intriguing case study.

    The wilfully ignorant and therefore inept nature of millennials/genZ infecting the industry to the tune of widespread learned helplessness.
    Ex: 'devs' complaining about something easily changeable, ie. keyboard shortcuts.-- sad, just sad.

    The rampant misinformation/reduced standard of common sense, coupled with lack of DYOR or any "engineering".
    Ex: Rant based on Mac hardware "not" being able have a different OS installed.
    Someone also told me that the normal way to "uninstall" , ex., bloatware, was to drag it to the trash can.
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    People started chatting in Discord right after virtual meetup in 2020, retrospective: https://devrant.com/rants/9228210

    Since this summer, most that were have moved to https://matrix.to//...

    And to supplement it with repeatable material, bookmarks and other swag, there is dR Bulletin Board: https://kbin.melroy.org/m/drbboard

    These all are unofficial subcommunities, but in case devRant gets shitstormed into stratosphere there will be places to commute with us.
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    @retoor we should get the nude posts back starting with @b2plane . I feel like he's a looker!
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    @retoor yooo I remember the porn controversy era
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    @lungdart pretty sure anything coming from him would support my current theory of him being a fecalpheliac.
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    @retoor Ofc - because in C, nobody is doing the heavy lifting for you. C programmer here. :)
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    @Fast-Nop ever done that basic af C loop trick to piss someone off or prove a point? ...I mean... ofc I'm not saying I would/have ever done something like that...

    C was one of the first languages I learned... primarily because I found out the hard way that soldering together components that weren't made to work together required custom drivers... I was a highly unsupervised child.
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    @awesomeest What loop trick? Duff's Device?
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    @Fast-Nop just the original one(at least to my knowledge) that likely wouldn't work nowadays, at least not nearly as well/significant effort. Calling main(); from main and throwing some extra crap in for fun.

    Duffs dev is a great classic. Back in HS, I baited a posturing teacher (who was technically in charge of anything more tech-related than a typing test and Office, also short+the basketball coach) to ignorantly trap his system in the looping. He's still terrified of me last I checked... I may have been amusing myself teaching him things via example for years.

    Thanks, this gave me an idea that apparently worked. I have a babydev who has likely never heard of C (or c++... and the majority of tech...long story) and he basically got trapped in his own logic loop of over contemplation. Thinking of C loops made me remember good ol' ioccc.org i sent him a link... he tried to take it seriously until it apparently broke his contemplation loop with a "wtf?!?! Is this a real thing..."
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