We made a simple SMS application - when there is alert in a building, SMS is sent to specific range of numbers, based on the alert type. After a month we received invoice of approx. 10K € from the client, my colleague was supposed to pay
After checking the logs and running tests on module, we found out it was not our fault, client then told us he played with SIM-card while module was sending SMS and somehow he managed to fu*k up. I still don't get it, partially.. Mobile service provider doesn't give a sh!t about sending tons of SMS/hour? No warning, nothing..

Ahh.. Clients, right?

  • 0
    There's an edit button. You don't need to delete your rant :)

    Welcome to devRant! Really good community 👌
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    @b3b3 I still can't seem to find it :( But thanks for letting me know! :)
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    @CuriousNewt welcome!!

    It rubs me the wrong way that someone can feel to just edit code & not take responsibility.

    This kind of thing can sink a small company.
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    @kunashe We didn't touch the code since releasing it. There was no fault on our side. :) If there was, we would take full responsibility.. All we did afterwards was just run all the tests that came on our minds to figure out what actually happened there. Then client told us he messed with hardware..
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    @CuriousNewt - just to be clear, I was not at all suggesting you'd touched the code base.

    Apologies for not getting it right first time.
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    Nope they don't. It's money for them afterall. You can talk to them however and they might drop it but it's unlikely if you're a company.

    We had a a similar case on which I can't elaborate other than that the invoice was scrapped. It was with a private individual tho.
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    @Froot well I guess it's also a problem of the client, since they could have bought any tariff with SMS costing less or nothing for phone numbers registered by the company per SMS. I assume in this case, mobile operator would send them at least a warning, if not disable the number until the issue is resolved 😂
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