Credit : 9gag

Laughed so hard, that I had to defenitely post it on devRant.

  • 39
    Surprised it wasn't comic sans.
  • 6
    I already saw worst Graphic Design from "real" Graphic Designers.
  • 19
    But there is no phone number or contact details. Maybe they meant: "We need a physic graphic designer."
  • 0
    Classic is all I can say!
  • 5
    @Grundeir The sign could be outside of the company or something
  • 0
    Better visual design there than most. I'd say they are excellent visual designers and excellent marketers. They just need an idea that creates value.
  • 1
    >credit: 9gag

    So probably not 9gag then.
  • 1
    Hey look, it's Toronto! :D
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