
What language do you guys think should not exist?
For me its PHP

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    and french.
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    I think OP shouldn't exist too. But that ain't happening either, is it?
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    @tosensei why french
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    @SidTheITGuy go back to Reddit
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    - all the fuckery by Microsoft
    (.net and its evil twins C#, VB, F# )

    - php ( culprit for half of the shitty websites on the internet )

    - js not following es6
    ( no shit genius )

    - java ( hates simplicity, loves long compilation times )

    - HyperOptimized Python at the cost of readability ( 🤷 What happened to zen of python )
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    @arnavop it's just that i really, really, really... do not like how it sounds. but mostly i just picked a language for the joke.
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    @coldfire non-optimized python also looks like shit
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    @SidTheITGuy don't be mean.
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    Perl. That was a wild time to be alive
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    @devRancid It does when some dofus who knows some other programming language tries to write python without learning it properly thinking all languages are the same, it's just different syntax. I personally dont consider such people as programmers !
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    JavaScript and TypeScript.

    Netscape: Shall we invent some untyped language to make things easier? JavaScript.

    Present day: Are we going to invent some way to type JavaScript to make it easier? TypeScript.

    And the world doesn't decide whether it wants to type or not.
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    @arnavop because ostream has been whining a lot about people shitting on js and he's Belgian.
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    @lungdart i felt that.
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    @Nanos To be fair, words are limited by languages and icons/symbols help overcome that to a greater extent. We humans have been using symbols for communication way before even so called languages were invented and thus they are very natural to most of us.
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