
What kind of supercomputer you have to use to get these fucking websites to work smoothly????

I'm on a fucking gigabit connection, ryzen 7 7700x, 32GB ram, and a fucking nvme, all it takes is opening a fucking recipe site and I'm instantly transported back to the 80s. I swear if i see another 4k asset I'm gonna punch something.


Oh do you want me to disable my addblocker??? How about: you make a site that works you fuck. No i will not fucking subscribe to your brain-dead newsletter why the fuck would I???
And since when are cookies needed for a fucking plaintext site you asshat??? Tracking??? I swear if you could you would generate metadata from my clipped fingernails if it meant you could stick "Big data" next to that zip-bomb you call a website.

I WOULD like to read your article, possibly even watch a couple of ads on my sidebar for you, but noooooo you had to have the stupid fucking google vinegrette or however the fuck they are calling the fucking thing now.

The age of the web sucks the happiness out of life, and despite having all of this processing power, I am jealous of my fathers RSS feeds.

I'm sorry web people, I know it's not your fault, I know designers and management don't give a shit how long a website takes to load. I just wanted to make a fucking omelette.

  • 7
    Quality rant. Have my updoot.
  • 2
    Not the only website. Most websites built on bloatstrap, sorry bootstrap or react have bloated resources just because the devs don't care about the full page weight but only on their tiny slice of code.
  • 3
    Say thanks to React.
  • -1
    My desire in life is to have a good credit score after I was screwed by someone who claimed to fix my credit and at the end he did nothing and my score went below what I have before few weeks back I was out for a coffee with a friend there I meet a lady who introduced me to this Specialist called REVOX I got in contact with him immediately and explained everything to him and the bad stuff I got on my report, he only asked how long do I need this to be done and it can take 9days to get it all done I was amaze with it and he went on with the job everything went perfectly well as he promised, good credit score of 810 and every other thing were totally wiped out. I do not think anyone could do better than him. Kindly hit him up with following details REVOXCREDITSPECIALIST @ GMAIL . COM thank me later.
  • 0
    Pure SSR as in serving pure html5 is very fast. The problem is the "frameworks" on top of it, pure bloat.
  • 3
    It comes from a culture that prioritizes a stack of band aids over actually benefiting the user. It has nothing to do with front end technologies or what is being used. It’s really just the developers either not giving a fuck or not having time to make the website function nice bc their managers are dumb asshats
  • 2
    Top quality rant. Websites in 2023 are so edgy and complex that a regular CPU cannot keep up anymore. I had a better time visiting sites in 2010. The answer is simple: store all recipes offline in a cook book
  • 1
    @max19931 And that is why we now see a lot of new frameworks who have only partial hydration. Front-end devs should really start using it and think about what they add and not just make full js crap.
  • 0
    @Grumm what is hydration ? I've seen it recently in Tailwind CSS and haven't figured out what it means
  • 4
    @gitstashio hydration in web dev is how JS is used to create the html code. Frameworks like react is partial hydration. So it is the process of taking a statically generated HTML page on the server and turning it into a fully interactive and dynamic web application on the client-side.

    Now you have frameworks like Astro.build who want to send almost 0 JS code to the client (if possible) You can still develop your website using react or next.js. It will try to generate only static web pages. You can of course select parts that you still want in JS. But the main goal is to get the best SEO score. Big frameworks like react and angular mostly fail in the SEO score because the first loading time is huge. (Downloading several MB of JS code to the client)
  • 1
    You’re my new friend now. 😃
  • 0
    @ostream tech debt was already very high, just the repayment is delayed now.
    Getting it removed, repayment, will better in the long run.
  • 0
  • 0
    @ostream my Avatar was deleted. Reseted it.
  • 0
    @max19931 Nick. But you can be too. 😊
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