My desktop now ..

It emanates calmness ..

  • 2
    Beautiful 😍
  • 1
    Damn that's gorgeous 😯
  • 2
    Wooow, which distro is this?
  • 1
    Wallpaper link?
  • 4
    Serious question, as a dev would debian be a better/faster/improvement over Ubuntu,which I know is debian based.

    I feel like Linux actually has too many options, while choice is great, the more options you have, the harder it is to pick the right/best one...
  • 5
    Going on for over an year now..
  • 1
    @riteshx95 Ubuntu
  • 1
  • 2
    I comment so I get the notification if someone posts the wallpaper link
  • 0
    Love it, which distro are u using? And what WM are u running there? 😀
  • 2
    @riteshx95 lol what? I wrote Ubuntu
  • 1
    @riteshx95 ok you're weird and what makes you think I'd pronounce it without a b?
  • 3
    @riteshx95 Thank you! :)
  • 1
    @riteshx95 sounds like a good move to make when I next go on leave, not exactly a beginner, setup a few servers in my time, just has not really been viable to use it as a full time desktop until recently.

    I literally made a last minute choice to dump windows, so grabbed Ubuntu as it was our os at my last job so was 100% certain I could do my job the next day.
  • 1
    @riteshx95 I'm a boy 😂
  • 1
    @riteshx95 Oh, cool!
  • 1
    Why not LXQt? Qt > GTK
  • 1
    @RTRMS Ubuntu might be more resource-intensive with defaults. Although, they did get rid of Unity, IIRC. However, Ubuntu is more user-friendly, and more users means also more development and newer generation of software packages. So, the setup might be less time-consuming.
  • 1
    @riteshx95 Hahaha! I'll start posting more. 😂
  • 1
    I love it.
  • 1
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