Dear devRant, what is going on?

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    @Lensflare strange … they tagged me , so they know me?
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    probably still the same guy who was spam shilling his little project recently.
    Might be extra salty at you because you were arguing with one of his alts for a bit.
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    Holy shit that is one racist as hell rant. Sorry you have to go through this, hope he gets banned immediately
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    @localpost oh the top ramen guy who ranting about the c++ project
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    "this is America"

    Does the spammer not know what the _internet_ is?
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    @TeachMeCode I believe this must the top ramen guy.
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    Every family has the crazy. If you don't think so, then you're likely the crazy one.
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    @MammaNeedHummus a silent moment here.

    Well, I don’t expect high IQ from a racist like this. Usually racists’ IQ are at average <20
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    Would make a great post on there lmao
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    @j0n4s I am going to do it
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    @j0n4s well the dude was saying goy a lot the other day. I really doubt they are american. The weird lack of conjunction words makes me think some other location. Also, the posting when everyone is asleep in america is suspicious. I guess they could be working a night shift or something.
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    @Demolishun probably just sleep deprived, because they hav the urge to insult other people 24/7
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    Did China start the Hawaii fires? Probably.

    Are they overlords on this website? Doubtful.
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    @chaosesqueteam2 another one? Bro how many accounts do you have ?
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    @chaosesqueteam2 seriously you need to stop these nonsense . It’s annoying.
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    @Nanos yea … people blinded by racism and hatred , blame each other and kill each other. Weird

    We are all the same after all.
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    @chaosesqueteam2 is that a confession ?
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    @chaosesqueteam2 <~ lifeless racist. πŸ‘ŽπŸ»
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    @chaosesqueteam2 citation needed and evidence.

    Do you have any evidence substantiate that I am a policeman?
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    @chaosesqueteam2 but you sound like one when you create multiple account just to post racist comments and assume that every Chinese person you met in life or online are “WORKING FOR GOVERNMENT”

    Do you know what qualifications to have in order to work for the government in my country?

    No oh wait , you don’t. Because you take whatever the news is feeding you about my country . That’s why. πŸ˜…πŸ€”

    If you do know this , you won’t be lifeless creating accounts just to making ridiculous statements online.
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    @johnmelodyme you did try to sell me nip nip for 90K nanites...
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    @Nanos what makes them think you are undercover? Something you did or you look suspicious on that time?
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    @Demolishun what?πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…whats that?
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    @chaosesqueteam2 You look like a GTA NPC
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    @johnmelodyme there is a bug in No Man Sky game where a sketchy vendor will try and sell nip nip (I think is a drug) for an extremely high 90K nanites. It is unclear if that vendor will buy them for a huge profit for the player.
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    @coldfire how can you tell? 😳😳😳how?
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    @Demolishun damn …. That’s some illegal shit….
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    @Nanos but how is this make you suspicious?🀨
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    @Nanos yea but you can tell when someone is the same person behind all these accounts when their language they speak is most of the time repetitively similar.
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    Time to blame the media.

    I agree ☝️. They about the Muslims , now they blame my country for everything(literally everything), they lied about everything benefiting them. Seriously someone need to do something.
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    @Nanos yea . Why?
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    @chaosesqueteam2 keep believing that and keep telling yourself them. I really happy for you to keep believing that.πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
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    @Nanos I don’t know . Pretty much he try to repeat whatever the media talks about , now he is trying to paint me in the way as if I am a highly respectable communist police man intelligence blablabla who works for the “government “ to “spy”. And claimed that I am not a “programmer”

    Like really? Only those who joined devRant in the early days know that I am not what this phallus claimed me to be. In fact I am just a software engineer with a career.

    Therefore this phallus just Blatantly accused, assumed whatever he don’t understand. Just a sound like he’s somebody. 🀒
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    @Nanos it’s ok.
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    @Nanos China. Why? (That’s why the hate started bro)
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    Do not engage with crap like this, just downvote. Their goal is to get engagement, to disturb, and even try to divide us. It starts to look more like a low skill troll farm than a single person who is not well.
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    @chaosesqueteam2 wow that’s a HIGH ACCUSATION. You sounded like you know me better than myself . πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    Keep believing in whatever your mental screen projected to you. Keep believing it.πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
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    well, it's the internet.

    recently, non-nerd-people are admitted to the internet.

    what you see here is a prime example of a typical non-nerd.

    that's all that's going on.
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    @electrineer I know . But he kept on spreeing his weird xxxx to me. But hey, I think I already suggest him to keep believing in his delusion. πŸ˜‡ with this toxic mentality will not going anywhere anyway so…..
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    @chaosesqueteam2 keep having this mentality . I am so proud of you πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
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    +1'd for visibility, this shouldn't be tolerated
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    @Nanos usually to spot a lie is to listen to them . Usually liars will not convey a message but they make stories in a well prepared script.

    Like too much details.
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    @Nanos no choice bro, he loves war. Due to his hatred. What’s else left for us to stop?

    I suggest we both let him continue believing this way. Because the person who have this mentality usually retard in some sense and brain washed by the media in some sense.

    As long as we don’t condone war or violence will do. I think this is more than enough.
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    @chaosesqueteam2 “as you cunt asked”

    When did I asked?
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    @chaosesqueteam2 πŸ™ please I would rather die than emigrate there.
    Thanks for the offer by the way.
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    @Nanos he could just have to go to Reddit instead. Just saying
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    @Nanos wow the hatred is real….
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    @Nanos In SOF, so far as long as you ask good questions I don’t think they will be toxic. It’s less now.
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    @Nanos my apologies, stack overflows
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    @Nanos actually I do know , if he looked into my profile. But he will still say that I don’t know shit and I am a plant . Just leave it .
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    @Nanos another one will be discord. People there are mostly helpful.
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    @Nanos yea. Sometimes people are assholic . But there are good people in different platform. Mostly I am active in CSDN, discord and telegram . People there usually helped.

    Like I have a case where project is written in Erlang. I got a tutorial from their discord server. That helps.
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    @Nanos, by looking @chaosesqueteam2 response you able to measure why I suggest you earlier that we both let him believe what he believe in .

    This is exactly proof my point. He got spooned by the media and accused every Chinese fellow he encountered.

    As for @chaosesqueteam2, I strongly agreed to everything you said , keep believing in everything you believed. Please do! I am so PROUD of you.πŸ‘
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    @chaosesqueteam2 Hey man, I missed you. How have you been?
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    @Nanos true… it takes time to find a good one.
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    @chaosesqueteam2 please go take your medications and ask with the ward supervisor about your internet privileges, it seems its better for you stay offline instead.

    don't become the next AoK.
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    @Nanos damn! Yes! Unfortunately EV industry still not yet matured. So ….

    I’m still waiting for the funding.
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    @tosensei sorry what’s AoK?
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    @tosensei btw , friend please don’t πŸ™ just ignore him. Not worth our time.
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    @Nanos in china there’s still patent law. If you managed to come to china and submit a case of the patent.

    Everybody cloning the tech have to pay you a fee (huge money)

    That’s how foreigners get here to earn.
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    @Nanos I am in the process of negotiating with Tencent and BYD actually.
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    @Nanos I have one in mind , the car that have the tyre hover using magnetic field
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    @Nanos 45% to be exact.

    Like the recent case BYD have to pay 45% of whatever owned profit to Greatwall as Greatwall patent the specific tech 5 years earlier.
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    @Nanos actually depending on who are the lawyers taking the case.

    If you patent something benefiting the economy of china, you will be subsidized by the government (but according to the west that’s something bad )

    In my country, if your company is support by the government, as your competitor I don’t stand a chance against you.

    Because government will sponsor scientists to your company and resources . So that you can build the country whether in tech or financial.
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    @Nanos in my case all I need is 50Million RMB(6mil?usd)

    To kick start the thing overseas.
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    @Nanos thanks for these links . πŸ₯°
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    Untreated personality disorders are like broken stoplights.
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    @johnmelodyme if you don't know AoK, then be glad.
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    You know, being as piss easy as it is, I think I'll implement t3d loading that just creates a giant "fuck you" mesh.
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    Yeah, except I won't implement anything for you XD.

    By the way, my shotgun and claymore are ready for whenever you want to make good on your threats 😁
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    Have a hug and some pancakes, dunno who left the door open, but guess the retards crawled out of it.

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    You know, if someone just helped implementing the t3d this all wouldn't happen. But noooo, we're lazy fucks.

    Especially you, @johnmelodyme, why didn't you help?
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    @Nanos racist!
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    @retoor We can't tolerate the guy for 5 mins on devRant, who would be willing to tolerate this guy for days without going insane. Not to mention the codebase may be a huge pile of shit since the guy loves taking heavy dumps. It's more about being courageous at this point
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    @retoor how to help someone who consistently called me a yellow fucks ? Is that how asking a favour sound like to you?
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    @johnmelodyme you could go from yellow fuck to gold boii by just implementing some t3d
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    @retoor true but how the fuck calling someone who is Chinese yellow fucks and expect some help going to help?

    Is like you go police station shot the police and ask for help. No logic.
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    @retoor also ,there are no benefits of helping someone who is a racist.
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    @retoor so according to your logic, whenever someone need help in certain thing, we must disrespect people first, Then we will get the help.

    keep thinking this way next thing you know you’ll be Albert Einstein .
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    @johnmelodyme you and all other 1.4bln Chinese must feel very lonely by being called yellow. It's the worst that can happen
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    @johnmelodyme tbh, you need to be a friend first to get friends. So yh 😁
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    @retoor hahaha it is funny that people like you can justify racism and ok with it. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ good for you
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    @johnmelodyme it's just not the worst thing in dem world 😁
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    @retoor Yeah, according to your logic, you need to kill somebody first in order to get help…. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    @johnmelodyme don't take me too serious yellow one 😁
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    @retoor you know what’s funny? People like you see a Chinese person (or someone looks like one) and start attacking it, while your boss still not manage to pay us money we have loaned them πŸ˜…
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    @retoor No worries I have never take you seriously, You are just nothing to me. You are the another random idiot appear online trying to be somebody crying aloud for attention.

    Why should I have a serious conversation with person who want attention at all? πŸ˜…
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    @retoor Of course you don’t and you never willπŸ˜‚
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    @retoor Honored to be a gujju. Atleast i dont live near a whorehouse.
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    The true story of @Nanos is that he used to be a plant, but then he saw how pure and funny the people on devrant are and he has converted since to a true dev friend and left his CIA job behind.

    He rarely speaks of his past shenanigans with the CIA and how they busted a cartel of illegal devs that wrote and shipped forbidden code to Cuba to overturn the government. Best part was that one guy who commited his seppuku to github. Good times.

    It's all true and we verified it, but now we just pretend it didn't happen to protect Nanos and his family from the illegal dev cartel, so keep it on the down low
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    @chaosesqueteam2 are those bags full of cats?
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    @retoor @johnmelodyme

    You are the another random idiot appear online trying to be somebody crying aloud for attention.

    First of all, RIP Grammar. But you're Chinese so ill give you a pass.


    Oh, the irony. OP you may want to scroll all the way up to YOUR post where you're crying that someone called you names lol. You're calling other people idiots crying for attention while you yourself started to cry when the bot account called you chinese fucks.

    And you made a whole post about it because you can't tolerate mean words thrown at you.

    But hey, gotta keep up the tough guy attitude, am I right?

    Ah, I love the internet.
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    @johnmelodyme Isn't it obvious?
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    @Nanos How would i know. @retoor knows better. She may know about the friends & family discount offered by Sid
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    @coldfire I'm literally keeping you out of my conversations, because obviously I don't pay attention to Gujjus like you, but holy crap are u obsessed with me.

    Tell you what, I'll give you my home address so u can visit me and suck my dick and choke on it, then maybe you will have my attention.
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    @SidTheITGuy That fact that i didn't tag you, yet here you are is all the proof i need of you stalking me.
    Yeah, i dont need your address, gujjus dont need to go to whorehouses.

    I could say fuck you bong but then it would be animal abuse. So have some pedigree and enjoy your pathetic life
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    @coldfire suck my dick Gujju bitch.

    You do realize its an ongoing thread with multiple people commenting on it where I get notifications, right? PLEEEEASE tell me you're not this dumb.

    And it's not about the tag, You did mention me by "Sid" right above couple comments.

    Who's dying for my attention now, Gujju?
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    @SidTheITGuy LOL, worthless bong whore
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    @coldfire ah look the Gujju is out of logic !!! He can't argue with me anymore cuz he knows he has nothing to say, except throwing worthless insults !!!

    I win !! Ah the smell of defeating another worthless internet NPC is just amazing.

    @retoor @ostream Here, witness my victory over this Gujju !!!
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    @SidTheITGuy awww, look at you celebrating. Like a cute puppy who got master's attention for a while.

    Unlike you, i got better things to do, so just not interested in your nonsense. Anyway i hope you find some happiness or worth in life, so dont have to look for such petty things for happiness.
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    @coldfire Sure bro .. u can tell urself what u want to tell yourself so u can sleep better at night.

    You're the prime example of a bipolar crazed bitch who fights with all they've got, but the second the game's turned on them, resort to "uWu I am a bubbly wubbly little boy who can't tolerate words".

    There were a 1000 before you and there will be a 1000 after you. Go to your grandma and cry you worthless NPC.

    And as always, gg get rekt fam ez.
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    @SidTheITGuy you done, now fuck off.
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    @coldfire yeah of course Im done. I defeated you and you didn't deny it. And I took screenshots of this btw, so don't try this again lol. I will humiliate you in front of anyone here that you try to bad-mouth me in front of.

    Don't mention me by my tag or name and I will leave you be.
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    @SidTheITGuy Hilarious. Now fuck off.
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    @Nanos words aren‘t racist. People are.
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    I didn't think this thread could get any worse. Apparently it could.
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    @electrineer 😁😁😁
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    Where are we going with this thread?
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    @TeachMeCode where do you want to go?
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    @ostream that’s exactly right
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    @ostream what gas did they use?
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    I know i may regret this in future.

    @SidTheITGuy But i wanna thank you. Just to avoid your blabbering, i switched my phone to DND, when i checked it back had 3 missed calls from a prospect, told him i was busy discussing an upcoming project with another prospect that's why i wasn't reachable and he offered me 20% extra just to pick his project on priority. Couldn't hold my laughter for a while after the call. Thanks again.
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    Ah ha we have their retinas now 🧫
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    @retoor I saw that on a forum somewhere and I responded appropriately:

    "Looks like meat is back on the menu boys!"
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    @kobenz the memo was whore movie, not horror movie. Somebody didn't get the memo.
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    @chaosesqueteam2 Like I'm going to click on links by somebody who has spatulated their fingers typing out replies to everybody else who has replied. OCD much?
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