
I swear, the next person that unplugs my computer while I am doing work IS GETTING HIT OVER THE HEAD WITH MY KEYBOARD.
To even think that you would argue and say it is my fault for not moving when this is the first time that this has happened is absolutely fucking absurd and abhorrent.

  • 1
    Get a laptop, or just hardwire your PC to the AC network.
  • 3
    - Find a big rod, a baseball bat or similar weapon.
    - Place it over your desk.
    - When said person cames close by, put your hand in the weapon and look him in the eyes, fire porring from your eyeballs.
    I have the same problem, I work with lots of grown up children...

    Every time someone starts with stupid jokes / pranks while I'm working I just go grab some wood or steel pieces... And no one makes fun anymore... (small pieces fly faster then they can run, but you can't use trowable weapons in the office...)
  • 0
    @AndSoWeCode bad call if he lives in a region with storms...
  • 1
    @RodrigoF then get a Raspberry PI wired up to a simple circuit enabling a relay module that turns off the power during bad weather forecasts
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