My company wants to start using Node.JS.

They wanna use JavaScript.
For everything.



**Asshat enters break room after meeting**

**Asshat turns to Asshole**

Asshat: “Oh here in a year or two we’ll just be rewriting all of this is Node.JS.”

Asshole: “JavaScript. You’ll be rewriting it in JavaScript. And fucking WHY?”

Asshat: “It’s better”

Asshole: “It’s not really a general use language. Why wouldn’t you guys choose Python if you wanted to write EVERYTHING in a goddamn scripting language?”

Asshat: “Google uses Node.JS”

Asshole: “For back-end web development type stuff. I doubt their accounting systems are written in fucking JavaScript...”

Asshat: “Python is oooooold.”

Asshole (to himself): No you’re old, you stupid, ancient fuck.

**Asshole rolls his eyes and walks away**

**Asshat continues his ignorant chuckling**

End Scene;

Clearly years of fixed format RPG programming has killed too many of Asshat’s brain cells.

  • 7
    Google uses node.js?

    They have been against node.js as far as I know.


    Please ask that asshat to send a link for exactly which project of Google is using Node.js?
  • 3
    Maybe they want to have the same language in front and backend?
    But I agree that Python is better if you're doing serious and complex stuff
  • 2
    Sticking with 1 language is a good idea. But writing things in languages that makes since to the task is better.
  • 4
    Also if thats true. Find a new job.
  • 2
    @skprog For what we were discussing, a compiled language makes way more sense. It’s already written in Free-Form RPGLE and, while I’ll be the first to bash IBM any day, the RPG programs do what they need to do and they do it well. This is just progress for progress’ sake.
  • 1
    @wateringdisease Doesn't Google back Angular, which is a part of the MEAN-stack?
  • 1
    @Fexell Google authors angular and sort of uses it.

    The MEAN stack died with angular.js and isn't related to Google at all.
  • 0
    @Fexell MEAN just means that you use Angular on top of Node.js. Angular is backed by Google but mean is not
  • 0
    I'm not saying Node.js has no use case - if you are going to have a tiny simple backend and your workforce is mostly front-end developers, then Node.js would be a good choice.
  • 0
    @Commodore Oh, okay. Been a while since I read up on Angular.
  • 0
    Angular uses node modules heavily... Actually I think the core framework files are in node modules.
  • 0
    In would probably always use nodejs instead of python, just think the syntax and speed is so much better plus the grips I have with it will probably be fixed. For now I can just use typescript
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