
Today I ran a Killer-Batch-Script on a School-PC.
After I run it, the PC instantly started to lag af and stopped working.
So after about 1 minute, I force-shutdown'd the PC.
But when I restarted it, it didn't boot.
(Boot-Disk was somehow not found)
I quickly stood up, went to another PC and pretended like nothing happened...
Never (NEVER) do that with you own PC.
Here's the script if you are interested:

  • 10
    Oh and I feel like a badass hacker now
  • 13
    Shows how vulnerable Windows is
  • 10
    That's fucking pathetic lol. Making a bunch of dirs really fast kills the os. Another reason to use Linux 💪
  • 17
    @Dacexi where unzipping a txt kills the os
  • 9
    Starting a trillion instances of explorer probably didn't help either
  • 11
    @Jonnyforgotten no, and for linux you could use a fork bomb, should work
  • 11
    @Voxera or a slegdehammer
  • 43
    You realise that people do have to pay for these PCs and to have them fixed?

    You sound like a little shit. It's not ok just because it's not yours, and hurr hurr windows is shit hurr isn't an excuse.

  • 2
    @conor-figgy its fine, the write was too fast and corrupted something on boot, a wipe should solve it
  • 2
    Nice way to test something before running on PC
  • 4
    @conor-figgy agree. This isn't going to hurt the school but parents who are paying for their children.
  • 0
    @Voxera Forkomb was patched years ago, so unless you're targeting an old system, it won't work anymore
  • 2
    > Type "start test.bat" in an empty file
    > Save as "test.bat"
    > ???
    > Profit

    Bonus if linear funsies are too lame for you and you're more of an exponential guy:
    "start test.bat
    start test.bat"
    (You could do more, but it would be pointless)

    And if you really want to kill the pc, just add the random folder creation *after* the start lines.
    You're welcome
  • 3
    was student rep at university helping for CS lab, we felt like we can go straight work at some military defence system after graduated :)
  • 4
    @cyanly and ended jobless ?
  • 0
    The computers get reset every week.
    Oh and I think the windows is cracked.
  • 9
    @Skayo it's still no real excuse, it does not make you a bad ass hacker it makes you a dumb arse troll.

    Until that pc is fixed you have deprived anyone from being able to use it, meaning they will not be able to learn or do something productive.

    What if that pc being down prevents a budding computer scientist from learning something new, they move onto something else, fast forward 20 years and the guy who was destined to make the next big CS breakthrough is doing something else instead. You could have literally set back the human race's development by centuries.

    Do you really want that hanging over you, it's because of people like you that we don't have flying cars and all those future techs we were promised in the 50s - 80s, the people destined to invent and perfect the technologies were dicked around by people like you, they never stood a chance. 😓

  • 2

    Seriously though, focus your energy on something more productive, it will be far more rewarding in the long run. Learn something new grow your knowledge, you will never regret it. Dick with people and we'll never get our flying cars 😢.
  • 2
    @SoulSkrix yeah I hate to admit that I was similar too.

    I think we all have a duty to steer the new generation away from our past fuck ups. Although we should let them make enough mistakes to learn on their own too.
  • 2
    @Voxera but a fork bomb wouldn't kill the OS permanently 🤔
  • 1
    @TheOne Welcome to DevRant!
  • 1
    @jalebiBhai no, worse, Excel VBA for next 6 years...
  • 1
    It's legal?
  • 0
    And why, or rather what was the purpose of doing it at all. I remember when I was doing my dissertation on my school PC and didn't keep a copy of the file, and then some good man drove a couple of viruses that wiped out almost all the files on the computer. As a result, I had to buy a job at https://essays.edubirdie.com/disser... as stupid had no time to do it again. And I almost finished the work((
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