
Person: Check out this “savage” file!

Me: Huh?

Person: *Shows SVG file*


  • 6
    What's so difficult for people about that
  • 20
    @filthyranter the "wee" part. Here in burgerland we say V with a hard bottom-lip to top-teeth sound. Wee comes with a W!

    But really I like thinking of SVG as savage, thats hilarious
  • 21
    You know what? Screw it, I like it. Savage filles. Let's make this a thing.
  • 4
    Just be sure to pronounce the G in SVG the same as the G in GIF and JPEG.
  • 15
    Still better than saying sql as sequel
  • 4
    from now on I'll shortcut savage to svg :3
  • 3
    @Crazed I'm not familiar burgerland. I don't think it was in the list of countries I studied when I went to school. Times are changing fast
  • 5
    @kenogo "Check this gif of a gigantic gyroscoping ginger giraffe talking gibberish. Isn't she the giddiest giggling giga gifted girl to gimbal like that, or is it a gimmick?"

    Now is it Github or Jithub?
  • 3
  • 3
    @kenogo Git is an English word, like grumpy git (grumpy and oldish man). GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format, so G should be pronounced accordingly.
  • 5
    @kenogo @620hun

    The problem is that English is such a lovely rebellious organically grown muddy retarded language without any properly defined rules.

    though through rough cough ought
    borough plough — tho throo ruff coff awwt borrow plow.
  • 7
    Call it a grinfo file and the pronunciation ambiguity is gone 😁

    Savage files though, if that catches on I might start calling SSH sushi 🤣
  • 3
    @bittersweet tell me about it. One easy thing about Hungarian is that pretty much everything is pronounced as written (except when too many vowels stack up, in that case you kind of squash them together, it's very natural). Same with Spanish.
  • 6
    @Shodan I made 🍣 my ssh prompt.

    It's official, from now on I sushi my way into servers.
  • 2
    @620hun Someone tried to standardize a "perfect" global language with regular rules — Esperanto.

    As with all standardization efforts, now we have n+1 solutions.
  • 1
    Similar to sql as sequel 😂
  • 1
    Not bad, would not have thought of referring to it that way, ateast he never said jiff
  • 2
    @Shodan I kind of love sushi for a name for ssh. That just may stick.
  • 1
  • 2
    Not as embarrassing as saying PNG aloud as “pornog.” There’s not even an R in it yet that’s how I read it in my head.
  • 4
    @620hun This. You don't create GIRAFFE-ICS, do you? No! They're giraffe GRAPHICS! G like GREAT! Not "jreat"!
  • 1
  • 1
    I died a little inside
  • 1
    @620hun @khanna98 I think SEQUEL was an older version of SQL so some older programmers use it because back then it was called SEQUEL.
  • 0
    So only me that thought he meant the contents of the file. Because that can get savage.
  • 1
    @filthyranter I'd be more inclined to call it 'svee-gee', though generally I just go with ess-vee-gee. I think it's just natural for the uninitiated to go with what flows.

    Manager: "Man, I'm not happy with how this svee-gee came out, it should be cleaned up."

    Programmer: "Here, use this squeegee."
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