
"Tips" are fucking stupid. Any waiter or anyone who expects me to "tip" them is a fucking clown hobo. Full disrespect

You're telling me i should pay you extra money or else you're not gonna do YOUR job right? A job where you already receive stable monthly salary?

Whoever standardized "tipping" is a fucking CLOWN. Must have been a restaurant business paying billions for this marketing scam to normalize as if tipping 2$ is normal

Who the fuck are you? Are you my fucking friend? A relative? A family member? Why the fuck should i pay you extra money just because you want some extra money?

Guess what fucktard. I want some extra money too. Has anyone ever tipped me in my job? No. Has a client or will a client who paid for a software i develop ever tell me "hey youve done such a great job heres some extra $$$"? No. Will a client ever tell me "hey your software earned me 100k$ heres a $100 tip or a $1000 tip"? NO

If i dont get tips Fuck you. Rough world and live with it.

Anyone who wants or expects tips I immediately view him as:
- beggar
- gypsy
- homeless

What the fuck are you gonna do with 2$ 5$ 10$ tip bro? You're broke and your job sucks go and learn some skill and you might earn more if you're so stubborn about a tip

Today i paid for coffee $7 but the price was 6.25$. Expecting a change, the waiter just went off. I told him give me my fucking 0.75$ back you fuck. And so he did. But he gave me back 0.7$. Where the fuck is my 0.05$????? Fucking retard. You want to take extra money from me just for a COFFEE. YOURE HOMELESS BRO TF U GONNA DO WITH 5 CENTs???

Also the reason why i get so pissed off about this is

1) The other day i was at some other coffee shop also paying for coffee. Dont remember the price but i paid. However i miscalculated. I paid 0.10$ less than i was supposed to. She was standing there and telling me I'm missing 10 Fucking cents. Confused, i calculated again and realized i made a mistake. So i round it up to 1$ instead of 0.10$ and she kept everything instead of giving me the change of 0.90$. So its NOT ok that you're a gypsy for not accepting the payment because its missing 10 cents, but its TOTALLY fine that you take 0.90$ extra money just because you want to. GET FUCKED

2) The other day i was in a store buying food. At the cashier i paid $27. However i was missing 0.02$. The cashier told me do you have 0.05$ to coverup the missing funds. In disbelief, i was looking at her could not believe my fucking eyes what she asked. How fucking POOR can you get. I gave her more than 2 fucking cents and proceeded with my shit

Very valuable shit i learned from these stories: NO ONE will give a shit to accept a payment even if its missing 1 FUCKING CENT. But its totally fine that they dont return me however much they dont want to.

How about you sometimes fucking say "hey i know you you come to this store very often heres a discount"???

Or "its fine that you dont have 0.01 fucking dollars, you can take your food"???

Or "hey i seen you buy here often heres a fucking discount just for you today"????

Because of that i have decided to take ALL of my fucking hard earned money and ask for the exact change. I dont give a FUCK just as much as THEY dont give a FUCK.

For reference:
0.01$ = 1 in my currency
0.90$ = 90 in my currency
27$ = 2900 (4 figures) in my currency

My currency is shit. My country is shit. People in my city are shit. The whole vibe here is shit. And perhaps that is why i shit so much because i get stuffed with too much daily BULLSHIT

  • 1
    Don't you want my tip then?
  • 9
    Voluntary tipping for good service is fine, mandatory tipping because workers don't get paid enough is not. But you could get a whole bag of coffee for that price if not two.

    Maybe the reason for your violent diarrhea is what they do when you don't tip.
  • 7
    I'm not saying I agree with everything but the mandatory or even just expected tip is completely idiotic. It's literally just an excuse for the restaurant to print lower prices
  • 3
    @TheBeardedOne i never saw a mandatory tip in my city. Its always optional. Thank God for that. Cant believe some countries have mandatory tipping. Tf is that. You are required to be legally scammed?
  • 4
    B2plane: I can't afford to live on this salary
    Also b2plane: waitresses make decent money

    Time to switch careers! Seems being a homeless server is a big jump!
  • 1
    depending on where you are, waiters may NOT get paid a decent living wage (because remorseless, anti-human capitalism, aka "The American Dream") and depend on tips as their livelyhood.
  • 1
    @tosensei then I'll leave tipping to the more fortunate wealthier population (those who earn 1500$+ in my city) to give them tips. I dont earn THAT large amounts. Thats 6 figures in my currency. Thats luxurious
  • 1
    @b2plane my two cents:

    if you actually worry that you couldn't afford to tip, you shouldn't be dining out in the first place, but handle your money more responsibly.
  • 1
    @tosensei i can afford to tip. But tipping the waiter tipping the barber tipping the garbageman tipping the mechanic tipping taxi driver tipping shitcleaners etc... All of those fucking tips add up into a HUGE loss of money for Me. Instead of being a clown i have decided not to tip ANYONE

    The fact that NONE of them ever say "heres a discount" or "i dont need a tip thank you" or "no worries if you're missing 0.5$" NOT EVEN ONCE. If they did that I'd consider to tip sometimes

    Because they're not generous enough to say that i wont be generous enough to tip them 1 fucking cent. Fuck them. Fuck you. They dont give a fuck towards me and I'll twice as much not give a fuck towards them. At the end of the day THEY are the ones who will earn money FROM ME being their customer paying for full price regardless AND THEY STILL COMPLAIN?

    How about i go to a fucking coffee shop and instead of paying for coffee i require the coffee shop to pay ME for drinking their fucking coffee and wasting my tim?
  • 0
    Idk man where I live we don't have a strict tipping culture and they actually could be okay with not having sufficient funds for small things as such so..

    But I do tip my delivery drivers and even give them cold water because the summer heat is too much and it could help them get through. I think the culture of your region is pretty fucked up ngl.
  • 1
    Yes my man!

    Agree 100% but also scared some people will be children who get angry or spit in my food as its so ingrained.
  • 2
    It would be nice if everyone was paid a living wage. But fat chance of changing that.

    I do well enough that I tip generously. The grind is real, and I like to think that I'm covering for someone who can't tip at all. It takes a village after all
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