
9:30 - College
10:00 - Heard we got to build a fucking portfolio website in WordPress.
10:02 - Said I already had a personal portfolio
10:03 - Heard I still have to build a fucking WordPress portfolio website..
11:20 - Remembered I put on my portfolio that I don't want to fucking use WordPress!!!!!

Now - I live in pain. Building a WP site so I do NOT have to do it later :/

  • 2
    I just feel offended... :/
  • 18
    I once used Wordpress
    I still feel molested...
  • 2
    I once used WordPress. Now I use Jekyll. It's hacky sometimes but who cares, it's mine.
  • 2
    all those wp rants are really daring me to build a wp site myself xD
  • 3
    @vadimir good luck, wear a condom
  • 0
    Was asked to make a portfolio on wordpress in class. Ported my actual portfolio to wordpress.. job done.

    I don't mind using WordPress by the way. It helps when you're super low on cash.
  • 2
    Wouldn't be a day on dev rant without the obligatory "Wordpress sucks" post.
  • 0
    @FidgetyDigits damn right it wouldn't
    Glad he took one for the team
  • 0
    @px06 should have listened to that one last Friday 😒
  • 0
    Oh yeah, here's my daily dose of wp ranting. Thank you kind stranger.
  • 0
    I don't use it for web dev, but I have no problem at all with PHP. I wouldn't call WordPress representative of how PHP works. It's just a framework of a framework of a thousand different developers who don't agree with each other. That could happen with any language. It's also an enormous target for malicious code, as a huge number of the plugins people write are very poorly written, and seldom have security in mind. Again, that's a function of the users.

    That said, I goddamned hate WordPress.
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