
After interviewing tens of candidates, finally found that one guy who doesn't start the conversation by mentioning jQuery 😂

Too many people started off with jQuery and didn't even bother to learn more about Javascript itself.

  • 4
    I tried hands on jQuery but gave it up in few days, because I prefer mastering language than going remembering the whole library. Better Master Javascript. At the end, JS is what matters not any library written over it.

    You can hire me now
  • 2
    @chiragiem36 Here's your contract.
  • 0
    Throw over me
  • 1
    My problem is that few tuts is in vanilla..
  • 2
    JQuery has had an impact on how JavaScript has grown over the years. It might have fallen to the way side now but it's far from redundant.

    Still a lot of websites that use it in some form or another.

    But yeah knowing how standard JS works is always going to be a great skill. But ES6 isn't supported on older browsers so some services don't have the luxury of using it.

    Maybe this is more of a rant than a comment ^__^ but no programming skill is illrelvent.
  • 1
    jQuery is mostly used by front end dev
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    @chiragiem36 all right, can you start tomorrow morning?
  • 0
    Yeah ...Send me tickets
  • 3
    I don’t get the reliance on jQuery any more; looking at my team, they only use it for the convenience of
    $(‘anything’), add/removeClass, and Ajax, you could literally wean people off it in an afternoon - with a good webpack setup you can use ES6 polyfilled down to IE8, once we dropped IE10 &< there was no looking back
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    var $ = (q) => document.querySelectorAll(q);
  • 0
    I despise jQuery. Always refuse to use it. But to be honest you really don't need it anymore. Also, just don't put it in your CV.

    We're now looking for a new dev and a guy has NPM as a skill listed (beyond literally everything he's ever done a tutorial on)
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