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    Dark mode is for blind people.
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    A guy I worked with said how do you sleep at night in reference to this joke. I said: In the dark.

    Then I said: The people who would be angry about this will never see it.
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    No bueno pará.
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    Light mode actually hurts my eyes, and my monitors are already at minimum brightness.
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    my eyes are damaged enough already that i now have a e ink black n white monitor. So light mode it is haha.

    But there was a popular warm color scheme in the 2000s that worked great.

    No time to fiddle around the configs these days
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    @iceb the one with the kinda yellow beige background?
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    @iceb wow cool. Is it fast enough for yt?
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    And all you guys not paying for devrant
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    @kobenz monitor or theme? I'm looking for a pre existing theme as well

    I got one of these monitors if that's what you are asking


    pricy but the fear of damage to eyes was greater.
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    @TheBeardedOne oh I can imagine that would work well too. I think it was a green beige for me
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    @retoor i don't watch youtube on it. only dev work.

    with a bit of tweaking I still get sufficient syntax highlighting from vscode and intellij
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    @iceb and does it often do a full refresh of screen like ereaders often do? A flicker?
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    @retoor i think it depends on your background and app.

    I had this issue before and had to turn off some animation/gradients in the apps i use. and now it's pretty good
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    @iceb they just uploaded this yesterday: https://youtu.be/MwUQtlYAvYA

    I would prefer speed over color if that's a tradeoff. It seems OK, would love to try
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    @Demolishun can confirm.

    (the blind people -> dark theme thing)
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    @thebiochemic the irony is I almost cannot see my phone. I have been putting off going to see eye doctor. I can drive just fine. Just stuff up close is getting worse.
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    @Demolishun luckily im 'only' short-sighted. my s/o lost most of the vision in the last two years or so, and seeing what she does makes actually a ton of sense. Basically increased the size of everything and dark themes everywhere, to see the bright letters on dark background better and also to reduse glare from monitors, she not looking at atm.
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    Pain as hell if use at night time TBH
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    @Demolishun not a good idea, man!

    Get your eyes checked ASAP
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    @thebiochemic what's wrong with you guys?! How did she lose most of her vision?
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    Light mode is easier to read, I won't make google search for that research again and again. Dark mode has better aesthetics and easier on eyes in the dark.

    Dismiss anyone contradicting the facts above.
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    @asgs i wont go into details, but it's a rare and therefore rather unresearched desease.
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    @thebiochemic hope and wish she gets her sight back. God bless her!
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    @iceb Ah okay. I wondered because the team lead at my second job had a theme like I described
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