I'm as baked as a cake

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    ^ that took minutes to do
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    I miss weed
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    So easy to get by these days though
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    Actually it's impressive that you remembered that you have a phone before you posted this.
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    Did the same thing yesterday - watched a cheeky ass sunset by the river and watched all the critters run around eating shit - tops
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    @Sid2006 what happened to your weed young fella?
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    Sharing is caring 👀
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    @Sid2006 as someone that never smoked, I’m curious. Why did you start and why did you quit?
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    @ars1 Now see, I smell a bit of moral high ground in the question even when I'm sure you don't probably mean it. People who don't drink/smoke think they're better than the ones who do.

    I started because I was 22 years old, and lived in a hostel with some mates and we partied every Saturday/Sunday. I ended up in a group of 7 people who were smoking weed and they were chill as hell, no fuss no fighting like alcohol drinkers. I saw that and I was like I want to try and I took a fat bong rip and then coughed for 2 mins. Then I laughed for half an hour straight.

    Then I kept smoking on and off for like 8 years. I met so many people because of it.

    Then my last birthday last month when I turned 30 I quit because I fear that I am speeding death up. Just a personal preference. Now I focus on gym, cardio and I do feel better.
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    @Sid2006 my mom smoked a lot (tobacco) and I hated the smell since I was a kid, made me hate it beyond belief
    I just find it odd when someone starts and quits so I just felt like asking
    No real meaning beyond that
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    @Sid2006 fr fr you're a millennial fr fr. So what's up with the gen-z talk? Good for ya rizz?
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    @retoor It be bussin as uge but it ain't sussin like it used to no cap
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    @Sid2006 is this real gen-z or a millennial having a stroke or two?
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    @retoor this is a millenial having a stroke, definitely. It's Sunday and I am alone in my house trying to find motivation to do something.

    I have a video for my channel halfway done but I am filled with depression right now.
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    @Sid2006 not easy doing a video while depressed. You have to see to promote the channel more. The content is good. Cool that you're doing it fr fr yes cap
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    @fruitfcker trees look relaxed, cat is softer, hungry..
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    @Sid2006 I think the moral high ground thing is all in ur head lol
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    @chonky-quiche man you're dumb. Understand the full context of what I said. I only sensed it and outright established that I am sure he doesn't mean it.
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    @Sid2006 I might be dumb but at least I’m not old and annoying
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    @fruitfcker "baked" well described by Sid: "I coughed 2 mins and laughed for half an hour straight"
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    Hey @chonky-quiche @SidTheITGuy that's sober talk.

    Both take a drag, sit back, and just make out.

    "Killing the vibe man" 😏😉
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    @MammaNeedHummus I will fight u and anyone else on this app. I have nothing to lose.
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    @NoMad the googly eyes make this comment.
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    @retoor same but lighter vibes as "Billy! You lost your weed again!?", courtesy of the whitest kids you know.
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    Disgusting addicts.
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