Y'all give me hope that the Darwin Awards will be great again.

  • 3
    Not really. Just wondering if I can start another @kiki riot. Well done @kiki, you are a master.
  • 4
    Delightful 🫠😁
  • 3
    Let's escalate this to the bone: the Darwin awards should go to all people not taking kids for the sake of climate change. I'll show you how to make a riot, one sec.
  • 3
  • 2
    @retoor I thought you were going to do this:

  • 2
    @Demolishun btw, aviophile is the king of riots by smashing web developers in the ground once
  • 3
    @Demolishun oh yes! Exactly. Cool, avatar
  • 3
    Happy to be a service, I’m sure I’ll do a good job.
  • 2
    10x, I want mine NOW! pls ;)
  • 2
    Please don't deteriorate this platform into a place where people fight each other, and nothing else.

    If I wanted to see that I'd go to 9GAG/Reddit.
  • 2
    @Sid2006 but ppl love that, we can't deny their little pleasures now, can we ;]
  • 3
    @We3D We should strive for peace .. by FORCE !!
  • 2
    @Sid2006 beside, if not gone completely personal and idiotic you can still grab valuable info from each of the fighting squads ;)
  • 3
    @We3D It most definitely will go personal.. there are so many here that resort to calling each other "failed youtubers" "crappy PHP devs" while they themselves hide behind anonymity.

    I don't mind that but someone wanting to put their personal information might get outed and shamed publicly.

    And if we're all anonymous, well then this is just another Twitter then, isn't it?
  • 1
    @Sid2006 haha, yh, what the guy in that rust rant said about you was insane. Hits under the belt. Watch out btw, he could be social engineering himself into your life since he has your family tree. Damn. I didn't think that your piece of code sucked btw. It was correct. But it was nice of him to do a review. For free!
  • 1
    @Sid2006 aah, twitter, I never got into that... but on the net one can try and be anonymous on almost each platform, it's part of the fun around, and yeah I agree that most seem to overuse that 'power'... it's for them, I don't lose much... besides the lost time reading them anger...
  • 1
    @Sid2006 also : at least your videos got viewed and reviewed publicly... mine ( although not dev related ) was totally ignored... not even a bad word or two...
  • 1
    @We3D sorry for that. I especially liked the one on beach and in the woods. Moving up is always dangerous in the woods I guess
  • 1
    @retoor as well as moving sideways and backwards ( since the cam is facing forward only ) ;)

    and thanks =]

    ... almost forgot downwards is no good since it's not a 3d quad ( in the hobby sense )
  • 1
    That is very useful, thank you
  • 3
    @ostream an angel
  • 3
    @ostream you should produce two kids you can name fstream and istream. If you get a daughter, name her Mercedes
  • 4
    @Demolishun I failed you. No riot. Got upvotes instead
  • 1
    @retoor Haha .. maybe because there are no idiots in this thread resorting to personal insults. Well, there is one but I'd rather stay out of starting something lol.
  • 1
    @TiananmenSquare a fine weapon of choice squire
  • 1
    @Sid2006 you'd like the book So You're Been Publicly Shamed.

    Nice thinking btw x.

    Also there's a ted on it: https://youtu.be/wAIP6fI0NAI
  • 3
    @retoor if people are not violently insulting each other or threatening violence in the comments, it ain’t no riot
  • 3
    @Sid2006 u cringe bro
  • 2
    @chonky-quiche u dumbass bro
  • 1
    @chonky-quiche I know, i already admitted defeat. Your turn
  • 1
    @Sid2006 I smart am and wise
  • 2
    @chonky-quiche and know about the croissant
  • 2
  • 2
    @chonky-quiche YEEEAAAHHH
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