They just bought 2 fucking 23" extra monitors for every developer in my org.

  • 5
    Did I see a rubber duck?
  • 4
    same setup! portrait orientation FTW
  • 1
    I have the same mouse. But I modified the click wheel so it doesn't click when your roll it.
  • 7
    Looks great! For posture your laptop screen should be raised too.

    I'm looking forward to the day when visual input is fed directly to our occipital lobes!
  • 2
    "FEELS GOOD MAN", he said while looking at his windows setup running visual studio. Let the os war begin!
    (Disclaimer: I'm not here to argue or bash or anything, just tried to be funny once in my life)
  • 3
    @kenpeter it's a dalek
  • 3
    @jsombrio exterminate exterminate!
  • 4
  • 3
    I have 4 monitors for a few days right now (1 laptop screen, 2 standard external monitors and 1 USB monitor). So much space kicks ass! If someone want to see a photo just remind me on Monday
  • 1
    So now you need 3 screens at your home desk cause once one extends the number of monitors he doesn't go back :d
  • 1
    From where you are seated, wouldn't spotting for these little texts hurt your eyes? Are you using a zoom tool?
  • 3
    2 screens only ? You must be a very patient person
  • 2
    I only use 1 monitor at home. Do I need another one? :(
  • 1
    @nikolatesla I could change the size of text in Windows to 125% or 150%, it works too.. for now I'm good though.
  • 0
    @nikolatesla at home I just use an old 4:3 LCD 17" as extra. At work I got these ones now 8D
  • 2
    @jsombrio love the portrait monitor ๐Ÿ˜, good luck man
  • 1
    because god forbid we use linux workspace swaps...I mean maybe one extra monitor could be helpful but when you find yourself taking up that much space in the name of productivity...idk man I guess with logic like that one wouldn't be bothered by thought of just buying another desk as well
  • 1
    What's that editor?
  • 4
    @KidLaser it definitely helps having extra space when you're swapping between multiple files while also having multiple terminals and folders and maybe a browser open.

    I only have one screen, and I find myself constantly swapping workspaces and alt-tabbing furiously, which definitely breaks my flow (especially when I happen to forget the relative position of the window I'm looking for in the alt-tab cycle and such).

    If only I had two 4k screens :(
  • 0
    @PrivateGER intellij i guess
  • 2
    @endor Whatever works, I have mine set up to show previews of the screens on my panel/taskbar so I know which alt+[screen_id] shortcut at all times...but like I said I understand different people have different needs and maybe an extra screen would be more than understandable. Its just that when I see people with several of them and each one contains open apps which dont need constant/simultaneous viewing access it makes me cringe a little - it's just redundant and I think would make someone more prone to headaches...but that's just me :)
  • 0
    Iam currently using one monitor to keep me focused
  • 1
    @PrivateGER @Baguette it's not an editor it's an IDE. Visual Studio :)
  • 0
    @jsombrio i never said it was an editor :D
  • 0
    @Baguette Brackets ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„
  • 0
    @KidLaser i have 3 monitors at the office 4 at home and i use multiple workspaces AND IT'S AWESOMELY BETTER AND MORE PRODUCTIVE. I'd love to have more just becuz ... I CAN
  • 0
  • 0
    "hey dalek, what should I do wi.."
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