Me: "Hey, I see you've started your class name with a lowercase letter, It's common practice to start it with a capital letter"

Co-worker that started two weeks ago with almost no experience in c++: "Oh, right. You women and your rules, you must know it then"

Me: *Awkward laugh* *Thinking as long as he changes it i'll let that one slip* *Sends him coding standard guide just in case he doesn't believe me*

-- Two days later --

He still didn't fucking change it. It pains my eyes to look at it each time he asks me for help. Oh and stop calling me "miss", I have a name.

  • 83
    I have significant problems with grown adults who can't follow simple instructions. Changing something to follow a style guide and keeping consistency with the rest of the team is as simple as it gets. What a disrespectful ass...
  • 27
    Does things like this happen a lot for females? I started out at a company where this is unacceptable. 50% of the devs are female. With the backoffice included males are the minority in my company.
  • 97
    When you see him next time, slap him in the face. When he asks you about it, say "oh, I would have shaked your hand but fuck conventions right?"
  • 9
    @gruhn this could get rid of the problem indeed but you might have the probkem of needing to look for another job.
  • 5
    @Codex40 well, that's the spirit of devRant I guess. We all prefer to be employed instead of being right
  • 6
    @gruhn not always, but in this case where there are other possibilities:yes.

    What could be done is just dont merge his shit untill he does it right. If he doesnt change he doesnt write anything which will cost him the job.
  • 18
    @marthulu wait for him to leave his computer unlocked and then install a linter (assuming they exist for c++) in his IDE. He will either learn or slowly go mad, either way you win
  • 4
    @dev0urer tsssh mentioning me and then replacing me for someone else? 💔
  • 6
    @Codex404 sorry, it’s not because I don’t love you ❤️
  • 8
    Just add a linter to your vcs, he'll either learn or get fired for never doing anything.
  • 13
    This guy sounds like a douche 🤔
  • 10
    @Codex404 I have to say it does, you have to prove yourself just a bit more than a male dev would have to.
  • 4
    @gruhn Hahahaha nice one xd. It's just a summer job so I'll deal for another few weeks.
  • 5
    @dev0urer He never locks it lol
  • 2
    @marthulu good! Throw a linter on that birch and watch him go crazy
  • 9
    Same situation here, no one follows the damn coding style we made for the company :/
  • 2
    Side note: the C++ coding convention says: snake_case for classes and methods and UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for constants

    Just thought I'd throw this in here
  • 0
    @Codex404 You live in the Netherlands as well right?! Where do you work 😐
  • 2
    Holy shit that guy has issues.
  • 0
    Whats your bosses opinion on that?
  • 1
    Code style is one thing. It's another thing when you point out something wrong (because someone has been pure lazy), tell them how to fix it, they tell you an hour later and you look and it's not done at all! What fucking age are you??? Do you really need your hand held that much or do you just not care? Suspect the latter...
  • 3
    Wow, what an irresponsible programmer. It physically pains me to see someone code without following the standards and the guidelines.
  • 0
    I'm somewhat of a conservative myself when it comes to adopting a preferable style and sticking with it. But for the sake of good coding standards, conventions and acceptances I'm happy to mould myself. We should be able to do that and it's not that hard.
  • 4
  • 0
    @CWins he doesn't check our code so he obviously says nothing
  • 2
    The first time, he wasn't at fault. Everyone has coding styles of their own. But, the second time, he should have changed it so he could get used to it now before it hurts him later
  • 6
    @codex404 yes. Sadly yes. Passive statements like that and more obvious things like "ill explain this slowly since I know you'll have trouble understanding as a woman" (overheard in the hallway - don't worry, she put him in his place)
  • 2
    @taylorviktorya awh :( do I need to feel sorry for him?

    I really hate these people. Especially when time after time its proven that female programmers write cleaner/better code. I know this is stereotyping but pull requests, on open-source projects on github, by female programmers are merged quicker and more often than the pull requests made by male programmers. This is a research with information from github where gender wasnt known by the reviewer of the code.
  • 3
    @Codex404 nope. He deserved it.

    The female in question was the CTO.
  • 0
    @taylorviktorya it? Now im wondering.
    Did you add a mustaches on his rubner duck?
    Did you add salt in his coffee?
  • 8
    @Codex404 she let him finish his long explanation. Then pointed out every single error, with proof of why he was wrong. Made him apologize to every female in the building (9 stories) for being sexist. And while he was gone, had everything at his desk replaced with "typical girlie" things: pink, purple, rainbows, flowers, kittens and puppies. Then had someone log in as an admin, changed his mouse options to swap the keys.

    This may seem excessive, but up until this point, he had been smart enough to not be blatantly sexist and said things that could easily be refuted if someone reported him. So this wasn't his first offense. Just his dumbest.

    By the time he got to my higher up boss (one right below the CTO) apologize, she simply told him she was disappointed and expected better. Which taught him the best of everything else.
  • 0
    @taylorviktorya this is so nice :D tbh I wouldnt dislike it if somebody would replace all my stuff with all pink things xD guess Im gonna have to start to be sexist to...
  • 0
    @Codex404 Can you provide sources? I don't see how that could be proven. It's not a question of gender at all, it's just a question of how good you are
  • 0
    @SpencerBeige it is, but in general females are less likely to say: "its working so its good". Maybe personality wise and maybe something because they have to proof something for some male devs.

    I will look up the source for you
  • 0
  • 1
    @SpencerBeige men tend to be more pessimistic of works by women in general. Women don't (on average) have the same competitive nature as men, which means their docs tend to be better and pull requests more humble. Source: many hours of studies in evolutionary psychology
  • 0
    @marthulu fair enough then
  • 2
    @jAsE What when?
  • 0
    He might be thinking that curly-brace PL uses javascript standards. Lol
  • 1
    It's ok if he doesn't know the standards in a certain language.
    Maybe he's stubborn for arguing about something he does not know,
    But trying to justify your concern because you are a female it's just disgusting.

    I'd pay a visit to HR and register a complaint as this is simply unacceptable in a work environment.
  • 3
    @jsombrio The company doesn't have an HR department since its pretty small (+/- 25 employees). I do feel kinda bad because he does try to be nice to me. Just many of these sort of sexist remarks make me feel kind of awkward. Maybe it's a cultural difference.

    Two more weeks😂
  • 0
    Strangely I hv a new co-worker who doesn't think much of my suggestions and he wouldn't let me know if he is stuck with some issues, but asks for my source codes.

    In fact all my coworkers ask for my source codes. And I think they are laughing at me ...geez I getting paranoid as I write this..no one tells me how I can improve. Is this really a gender thing??
  • 0
    Can't you get them fired if they are writing code inconsistent with the project and refuse to adjust their style?
    I wouldn't be able to handle having different styles in the same project. Don't mind so much if it is a different project.
  • 0
    Wow that's harsh, I actually feel sorry for that guy, your way of teaching discipline and expressing your dislike to his behavior, is almost like teaching a theif not to steal by cutting off their hand. He probably deserved it, but shaming him makes you worse. Reading chat really just makes you girls sound like assholes ganging up on a newb.
    Fucking hell, even bringing up women are better than men, you bring shame to this community.
  • 0
    @ObscureSinner Are you talking to me? Because I don't think I did any of that.
  • 0
    @marthulu, ooh sorry, I thought you and @QueenMorgana was talking about the same guy.
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