I'm kind of disgruntled that I've only worked with one ninja level developer in my career (small market) and he was an insane dick. Despite my hatred, I treated him kindly and respected him. I wanted to learn from him but he didn't want to teach.

Ninja devs, don't be that guy.

  • 2
    I am lucky, My office is full of Ninjas, and I learned a lot by just observing them, their way of working, attacking an issue, designing, their code. For sure, I believe I became a little better programmer in last few years, and hopefully a person/colleague too.
  • 6
    The trick is to date a ninja dev. That way, no matter who you work with, you'll always have a brilliant person around to push your skills to the next level ❤️
  • 7
    @Christine My standards just went from normal to impossible.
  • 3
    @kevbost exactly my thoughts
  • 0
    Use psychology. Find the right triggers and get the info you need.
  • 1
    @Jumpshot44 it's too late. It's been a few years since I worked with him.
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