What do Linux people think of the whole subsystem thing in Windows 10

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    My windows has had driver signature issues (with ms drivers!) for a while now after an update.

    I can't even imagine what fresh hell mixing bash with windows would bring 😈😈☠️☠️
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    Its Not that Bad But the terminal ist awfull. Faulty wrapping if you reszie the Windows and bugs that Block the output alltogether forcing to gestart the terminal
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    First you will ask...why not?

    And then...why???
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    A colleague of mine actually used that to get into Linux. He's running a dualboot now so we're on the right track (evil laughter)
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    Well, it works.. but forced update and the fact of not having a terminal is a bit annoying
  • 9
    About as useful as Wine in Linux, or an inflatable doll as a girlfriend.

    It helps for a bit, but soon you realize it's all fake and no substitute for the real thing.

    Virtualization with IOMMU passthrough is a nicer solution to get both systems up in parallel — although it's still way too complex to set up, and needs builtin protocols for things like seamless peripheral sharing.
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    As a linuxer I have no clue what this subsystem thing is. Never heard about it.
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    All the time you would save with it you'll lose on waiting for daily updates and fixing stuff that updates will break.
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    @Artemix I'd like a wallpaper with that quote lol
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    I think it's an attempt from Microsoft to keep people from moving to Linux which would decrease the amount of data they gan gather from windows installations and also decreases the amount of backdoors around the world. (yes I believe that windows has integrated backdoors. Can I prove it? No. That's why I said it as an opinion and not a fact.)
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    @Artemix Yeah I know I just wanted to make the data gathering and backdoor parts very clear :)
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    It beats not having it and it's better than using cygwin. I miss my gnuutils when working in a windows environment so it's good. Now if only there were a way to actually convince windows system admins to allow it in the workplace we'd be talking but anyone in a large shop is very unlikely to ever be able to install it.
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    @bittersweet inflatable dolls as girlfriends have a very good use... Just saying.
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