Boss emailed me that I need to work again on Saturday and Sunday.
I replied with a resignation letter.

  • 4
    Haha cool
  • 2
    Good for you.
  • 2
    Good for you.
  • 6
    You are immutable, indeed
  • 5

  • 1
    you <= good
  • 16
    damn. resigned like a boss XD
  • 10
    EPIC! How does it go?
  • 9
    I can sort of relate. My company changed our in times to 1pm and out times to 10pm; just out of no where and no flexibility on the timing what so ever. I dropped my resignation the minute the policy rolled out.
    It helped that I was able to quickly find a new work place.

    Good luck to you mate!
  • 3
    The only proper response to such emails :p
  • 8
    Alt+F4 Job
  • 1
    for(let you = good; good <= infinite; you++;)
  • 1
    const good = ["you","you","you","you"]
    If (good.length == 4 && good [0] == "you")
    Return true;

  • 1
    You you you you
  • 6
    We had to work on weekends on a couple of occasions. Before/after releases. We were paid 3x the normal amount for those days + we've got those days off next week. I think it is reasonable, as long as it happens no more than a couple of times a year. I can totally understand why you left 🙂
    Good luck! 😉
  • 4
    @zfor in my case, no pay :(
  • 1
    Good for you
  • 1
    @immutable Than that was the right choice :)
  • 1
  • 1
    Well done.
  • 1
    Should have seen his face when he read that (....imagining) :P :D
  • 1
    @runfrodorun Expected primary expression before int
  • 2
    Congrats man! I don't have the balls to do the same
  • 0
    Sort of along the same line... the two times I got up from my desk and walked out, I didn't write a resignation letter. I just left my company ID badge in the big plastic box on my boss's door. I imagine it's kind of passive aggressive. But it saved me the time to compose a resignation letter that I didn't have to censor due to the amount of f bombs and just simple château bottled vitriol, using seventy five cent words they would have to look up in order to understand that I was telling them they were beyond useless tossers.
  • 0
    @orijin all you have to do is grow a Pair. Most Java devs and similar have to grow them, anyway
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