

**Getting ideas to solve a bug**

While Coding:

While Eating:

While Sleeping:

While in Bathroom:

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    Brain: Its not lost, just misplaced and an route to the information is currently missing.

    If you relax a bit and let me make some arrangements, we might create a new pathway so we could figure it out.

    Most people: GIVE. IT. TO. ME.

    Brain: If you keep pestering me and feeding me constantly new information, that will not be possible. I need some time to be readjust ...

    Most people: *hammering on the problem for hours*

    Brain: Nah, they just don't listen. Time for some sodukos and cat videos.

    Intestines: Hey idiot, the crap you stuffed in needs to get out. As a thank you for the shit you eat, we have a special surprise for you: Extra hard stool, as you commited genocide to all our bacterial friends in the colon region. Liver and kidney are unhappy too, if you faint while pooping, maybe stop putting crap inside and start drinking that thing called water - regularly and not just when the tongue looks like a tourist photo for the valley of death.

    *Most people nearly dying on the toilet, getting dizzy spells and all*

    Brain: okay, not the best time, but at least the maniac finally gave some rest. High five to the intestines, keep that bloody idiot busy. Time to rise and shine, my dear axon's and neurons. Let's process viable information instead of the dumb shit they fed us.

    A small fictional story about our body for entertainment out of boredom.
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    literally dreamed with the fix for a bad script last year
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    @IntrusionCM I've fallen short of words to describe how accurate this is. 🔥

    P.S. the shortage is because you used all the words 😜
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    While showering: ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️💥💥💥
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    I confirm this because all of us are so full of shit when you go to the bathroom to take that huge bullshit out of you. You start to feel more lightweight and allow ideas to flow
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    It's as if the brain's background thread has a superior problem solving function and men access that the main thread can't share.
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    @jiraTicket Our brain seems to have coroutine scopes like CookingScope, BathroomScope, DreamScope, etc. for dispatching thoughts 🤔
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    Solution: Code on the shitter!
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