
I always design my UIs to be cold, dead, sterile, and painstakingly perfect. It should be dry, so dry that if you were to drop my UI into the ocean, it would absorb all the water down to the last drop and remain dry still. I want people looking at it to feel dehydrated, short of breath and mesmerized. It should be so extreme that you have no choice but to stare in fascination. Fun fact: I once forgot to close a parenthesis, and the code that spilled out became the Sahara desert. It’s dryer than her vagina when you explain your Vim config.

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    (I reposted this because of one small mistake. I re-read all my posts from time to time, and I didn't want to come back to this mistake again and again, realizing I was too pathetic to take courage and delete the post bc upvotes were tOo vAlUaBlE. I'm not here for upvotes.)
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    What is a wet UI?
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    I guess, skeuomorphism isn't your thing.
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    @Oktokolo with skeuomorphism, you can make it look even drier 😆
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    @Lensflare Nothing looks more dry than modern code of conduct UI design.
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    The one that jumps around when it’s loading
    The one that has horizontal scroll on mobile for no reason whatsoever
    The one that has random margins and paddings all over the place
    The one that follow design trends and fads, just to look dated in just one year
    The one that was done pIxEl pErFeCt from figma
    The one that was designed in figma or sketch
    The one that is not accessible at all
    The one that has intrusive popups all over the place, yes proton mail, I’m looking at you
    The one that has the audacity to implement custom sMoOtH scroll in JS
    The one that messes with system hotkeys
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    🔗 Wabi Sabi
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