Can we have a moment of silence for the jekyll themes that are supported on GitHub?


Jesus Christ I'm in the graveyard here

  • 2
    after a second review, I think minima and minimal are the only decent ones

    (inb4 "yOu CaN cReAtE yOuR oWn StyLeS!")

  • 1
    @fullstackclown or use other existing ones, but yes the default ones sure are outdated
  • 1
    @ElectroArchiver for sure, I'm brand new to jekyll (just need to host some simple markdown files), I'm sure there are decent non-official ones, but for the official ones i'm like O_o wtf
  • 3
    @fullstackclown I often don't even go with Jerkyll on GitHub Pages anymore, either I just go with GitHubs page ( where all the markdown features render properly ) or make a real page and host it with a static page workflow.
  • 0
    Hugo seems nicer but I'm no webdev , just a user
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