
AoK situation in a nutshell

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    Upvoted but learn how to use tags lol
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    Definitely the Dark Souls of mental disorders. Bipolar looks pretty casual next to it.
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    @Oktokolo yes. My number one fear. In oneiroid state, a schizophrenic patient experiences the absolute maximum of both physical and mental pain their brain can make. In our world, there is literally nothing more painful than this. Not all schizo spectrum disorders have that though, yet the idea of losing oneself brings the existential fear.
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    @kiki methinks i know a tad more about psychology than you. there was a disorder that was removed called gender identity disorder, to make room for people who willfully cut their own penises off and called themselves sane.
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    @kiki schizophrenis show several kinds of symptoms.

    the major categories are positive, negative and disorganized.

    I am not really displaying any aspects of this.

    I am in a place where I am constantly reminded of trauma and unhappiness.

    I am consistently being annoyed.

    I am seeing things that were explained to me a long time ago and a subclass of warped people who were bred to make other sicker individuals feel at home, and I kid you not.


    And such people were warped developmentally to make already twisted people feel normal.

    There tendencies include assisting said warped people in making other people who are telling the truth seem crazy, usually engaging in rather half cocked amateur hour psychoanalysis, which if anything requires personal knowledge of the person and observation by someone who means well, not Dr. Giggles-Baby-Raper Phd.
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    Also adding one punctuation mark to your creepy clickbait image that would draw precisely that type of person here, it becomes A'OK
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    Easy enough to change this.

    This can all pass.

    This person can move on as the original timeline allowed, to an area where the worst of the twisted freaks are isolated far away from him and can go about their business following school buses and fantasizing about putting anything phallic shaped up their own asses :)
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    If anyone deserves this its good ole 'AOK' :P who was not actively bitching on devrant originally in this time period but is about to start doing things that are extremely spiteful and makes these people WANT to send him to the happier time periods where the worst of these pieces of garbage have been relocated to their designated spaces beneath the rocks they crawled out from under.

    see I have to wonder.

    this noxious time period came and went.

    there were brighter happier lustier time periods on another side of this.

    and then there is this trailer trash honky tonk pedophile crap you people are presently doing, I have to wonder if you're not all just trying to satisfy their desire to see the world like a trash heap, you know where their gutted carcasses belong, and keep them stuck together, but because I say something, temporarily I must be stuck with them right ?

    fuck you.
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    oh and ps hand over all the stolen photos of 'aok' younger. during better times.

    fucking human garbage dump.
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    @AvatarOfKaine Shame on you young man for making a valid point !
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    @Marethyun I am pretty sure the devrant tag is used for posting bugs about the app
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    @phat-lasagna pretty sure this is an infinite loop.
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    @AvatarOfKaine this post is an answer to that person who called you a dangerous psychopath, said they got your face and wanted you imprisoned. Instead, I declare you should be free, you did nothing wrong, and battling a mental disease is a huge challenge.
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    @kiki not battling a mental disease unless you call other people the disease and the hopelessness they trigger
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    @kiki I remember getting psychosis after a bad trip for a few months and it getting intensified by my depression at the time. Made me really empathize with people with schizophrenia - was one of the worst times of my life because I couldn’t leave my apartment lol
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    @phat-lasagna you're describing drug induced schizophreniform disorder
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    @phat-lasagna it's basically temporary schizophrenia

    Also can if misdiagnosed describe malingerers
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    @AvatarOfKaine yeah it pretty much was
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    @phat-lasagna see the problem with abnormal psychology beyond the fcat that the diseases are labels and are arbitrary is you have to have a work force of HONEST dedicated clinicians who make more than a cursory outward behavior related diagnosis

    And that is hard when there are people who will willfully pretend to be crazy because say they like being institutionalized

    Or because they're trying to get close to a vulnerable group

    Or in the case of crooked doctors a variety of other reasons
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