

  • 0
    Joke tag where?
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    @qword backend means brain and frontend means face. Change mine
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    @qword why backend is not womb? 🤔
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    LinkedIn post
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    @qword backend puts out shit which will be smeared on tits. Checks out.
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    It isn't good frontend design to maximize the amount of extra fetches before first full page display. Just get all the initial data loaded with the fuckin page.
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    Superimpose both and you'd get a team of fullstack devs
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    I do both well and work with idiots who demand I fuck up everything I’ve built.

    Descriptive error messages? Remove them. Pretty colors? Fuck you, gray is fine. Clientside validation? Why would you? Security? Fuck you, that’s security. Clean and lightly abstracted code interfaces? Screw that, don’t add anything new. Cleaning up existing code? How dare you!

    It’s just wonderful.
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    @Root I agree completely, but for the product I work on now I opted for server-side validation, as it’s a kind of an SPA, and I want error messages to remain consistent over time. Of course this doesn’t account for native HTML form validation. It shouldn’t be tampered with, period.

    The UX I have now with server-side validation looks almost like it’s client-side because it’s all asynchronous, the only difference is a network delay before you see the error.
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    @kiki I opted for adding clientside validation because it’s a simple regex, and the form will be presented to tens of thousands of users at any given time. Saves a lot of requests and AWS cpu time for a handful of lines of js.
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    @Root indeed. I didn’t think about the server load at scale. You’re right

    Depression made me stupid. I barely understand my own data models from a year ago.
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    @kiki I totally understand, and am in a similar situation. I barely have the energy to function, let alone really apply myself and focus — especially for people I profoundly dislike, but on my own personal projects too.
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    This meme in itself is an example of not working with a great designer.

    It took me a while to read the bottom text.

    I was confused about why both great developers resulted in shitty sites.

    Would've helped if the meme-text was a different color compare to the site graphics.
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