
What else can i add to this site,?
Help me know how to add Plugins🙏
before i could upload online

  • 17
    Are you trying to make it look as 2000s as possible?
  • 12
    Just add a... no just hit delete and try again.
  • 2
    Do I want to know how the form in the corner works? 😣
  • 0
    @C0D4 😳😳😳Delete?🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
  • 0
    @ScriptCoded How do i center a <legend> tag? i seems complicated🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
  • 7
    @ElectroArchiver I thought I struggle with colors but this is just wild.

    1- Remove the gradient and bright colors, use neutral colors if possible.
    2- Fix your layout.
    Try integrating your h1 header as a sort of logo/brand into the left side of the navbar.
    Move the search under navbar
    Maybe use google and try to find something similar to what you want your website to look like(for inspiration not copy pasting)
    3- Fix the form bruh, the hell is this
    4- Improve your grammar too 😹

    It seems your still learning, so good luck
  • 18
    Perhaps add marquee text, a visitor counter and some gifs? 🤔
  • 9
    @SuspiciousBug And an animated flame background!
  • 0
    @soberGhost Thank you very much.🙏🙏
  • 1
    Btw, do you have a Matrix, GitHub or Twitter account?
  • 3
    Dude, please hire someone competent to fo this.
  • 3
    I miss the days of Geocities.
  • 3
    Is it made using framesets? If not, rework your page, this is a critical feature I forgot to tell you about and need it done by the end of today.
  • 3
    Add a hotpink button somewhere please
  • 13
    It needs background music.
  • 0
    @lorentz Oh yeah, some swanky porno music that auto plays
  • 8
    Hmm.. I think it lacks colours. Give it more colours!
  • 2
    Are you using the administrator account as your every day account?
  • 0
    Look in the top left corner, there is hope
  • 3
    This is a work of art - please add blinking and rainbow text. Everything about this devrant is beautiful
  • 2
    I think the rounded corners are a good direction, apply that to every element.
  • 1
    @jonas-w I also used the Administrator account as my day-to-day for a few months before I switched to Linux. Funnily enough, I had to learn how to solve the same permission issues that drove me to that decision on Linux as well, only Linux actually has accessible free learning resources so the learning curve was much nicer than in Windows.
  • 5
    #1 Rule of web design: Don't do it while on LSD or shrooms.
  • 0
    Spam the page with GIFs, it usually helps such aestetic.
  • 4
    More <blink> tags, some background music, a "page is under construction" gif, a webring and hit counter to the bottom, and a bleeding horizontal separator bar!
  • 0
    Some web2.0 icons/images
  • 0
    ... wait, you're not joking, i'm taking back my ++
  • 0
    Bringout Microsoft FrontPage!!!!
  • 2
    Needs more of the following:

    — Dancing baby GIFs
    — Medieval torch GIFs instead of horizontal rules
    — Animated skulls at both sides of the page title
    — A “Best Viewed At 800x600 With Netscape Navigator” button
    — Substitute the logo with a Java applet displaying it with the only purpose of adding a water ripple effect to it.
    — A Flash intro page!
    — Substitute the links in the main menu with image buttons with Javascript rollovers
    — Refactor the entire page to use a frameset
  • 1
    This colour scheme is the perfect detergent. What a metaphor.
  • 0
    @lungdart don't forget marquee xDDD (ok, that was previously suggested, obviously)
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