Well, tried to install Ubuntu on my other personal laptop today.

Never have I wanted to use Linux so bad and not been able to. Why oh fucking why must I get this error, and the shittiest thing is I have no clue where to start.

  • 3
    What error?
  • 1
    Well first of all, use linux, not ubuntu
  • 5
    @RazorSh4rk ...Ubuntu is a Linux distribution...
  • 0
    Arch, or suse. or maybe mint.
  • 2
    @magicMirror Mint is based on Ubuntu though, so if there's an error installing Ubuntu due to hardware I'd say there's a good chance you'd get the same error trying to install Mint.
  • 1
    Will try mint.

    I tried centos too. Oddly enough I think it's my Amd processor and gfx card causing the shit. "install Ubuntu" then it just loops.

    Never had this problem with any other hardware at all. It's strange though.
  • 0

    Will try Solus too.
  • 1
    Not sure if you're being humourous or made a slip.
  • 1

    It comes up with different ones. Here is one I managed to cap before restart.
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    Yeah. Usually the gpu.
  • 1
    If you have time -> Go with Arch.
    Since its less package at start & you config it yourself -> You'll understand which it breaks. (And know where to start)
  • 3
    Have all the time in the world, and it'll be a learning experience.
  • 1
  • 3
    Going to need it.
  • 2
    @ragnarr023 Just looking at that section of what appear to be kernel messages, I'm gonna guess that at least something with the graphics is malfunctioning - I see messages mentioning "radeon."
  • 1
    @ragnarr023 Also which version of Ubuntu are you trying to install?
  • 2
  • 1

    I'm trying to install 16.04 (amd64 download, obviously).

    Tried 15.10 too but with the same outcome.
  • 1
    Thought so too.

    Going to check out my card against those, and I'll let you know what I find.
  • 0

    I have an HD8650, fully supported apparently.
  • 1
    Took away 'quiet' from my boot options. Also added nomodeset. Somehow I'm in and installing.

    Will let you know how it goes.
  • 1
    At this point I think debugging errors on install is a right of passage.
  • 0
    Yeah, kind of learnt it the hard way
  • 1
    @ragnarr023 Might want to try 17.04, as it's the very newest. Would maybe be most likely not to have driver issues, etc.
  • 2

    I shall do so.

    I finally got it installed with nomodeset and a few more parameters. Added the params to my grub and it seems fine.

    Going to download 17.04 and test now.
  • 1
    @ragnarr023 If you got it installed successfully, you could just upgrade to 16.10 and then to 17.04. You'd have to change a setting in /etc/update-manager though I believe because 16.04 is an LTS release.
  • 0
    Yeah I know that.
    But I like to have an iso of all my distros for future reference.
  • 1
    Did the same thing a couple of weeks ago. Was bored in class one day, 7 year old laptop. I'm like, eh screw it. Formatted it then and there had Linux by the time class was over. Now I just have to Google every time I install or change something lol.
  • 0
    @magicMirror You kidding. Right?
  • 1
    Why Ubuntu? Use Arch!
  • 1
    If you really want Ubuntu (I would recommend Arch) take out your gpu go through the install process install the drivers in the software center then put the GPU back (make sure the PC is off) and restart
  • 1
    Shall give it a go. The input is appreciated.
  • 1
    @ragnarr023 not that Ubuntu is bad, but Arch is amazing. np
  • 0
    If you want to learn what you're doing just install arch and read its wiki.
  • 0
    Do many arch suggestion... We know what arch is...
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