I just told this stranger that she was one of the most beautiful people I have ever saw and now I’m shaking

  • 5
    Why? Did she kick you or something?
  • 2
    @c3r38r170 idk I be nervous and psychologically fucked up and shit especially running off of 4 hours of sleep lol
  • 1
    @phat-lasagna The real question is whether you actually fell in love or it just is your tired mind playing you tricks. If you ever see her again while in a mentally more stable state, you should be able to verify your feelings easily.
  • 6
    be who you are and say what you will because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind
  • 0
    Just don't say this same thing to someone else near by her. Otherwise, it's a simplistic compliment, no?
  • 1
    cool, great way to train talking to people without fear.
    it's a stranger, what you say will have no consequences.

    i used to be very introverted and anxious talking to people, but over time, i found a liking in sometimes randomly telling something nice to strangers. like "great outfit", or "cool hair", stuff like that.

    the key is to just say it and continue on your way (and time saying it so that you don't get stuck with that person in the same space afterwards, such as public transit, because that's awkward)

    never in my 10 years of doing it have i gotten any other reaction than a positive one, the person smiling, saying obviously sincere thanks, stuff like that. and that's eve though i basically look like a homeless creep.

    but it's gotta be just say it, don't even properly wait for any response, and be on your way. gotta be clear that you're not expecting anything in response, that you just wanted to express your appreciation.
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